[SNMP4J] How to create a scalar object with a snmpType="TruthValue"

wafae alami alami.ouafae at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 14:43:49 CET 2009

Hi ,

I want to create a MOScalar object for a scalar mbean attribute  :
      attribute type =boolean
      attribute snmpType=TruthValue

MOScalar moScalar =

moFactory.createAccess(MOAccessImpl.ACCESSIBLE_FOR_READ_WRITE), ? ,
"MIB-MODULE-NAME", "TruthValue")

 what should be the value of the Variable argument ?
 Sould I create an enumeration for that attribute with "true" , "false"
value or there is another thing ready to use in that case ?

Thanks in advance .

Ouafae .

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