[SNMP4J] multithreaded ordered receiver

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Thu May 7 00:37:49 CEST 2009


The answer is simple: do not use a multi-threaded trap receiver.

Best regards,

none none schrieb:
> Hello,
> I need to create an application that receive and process SNMP v1 traps from
> multiple senders.
> As there are multiple senders, it seems convenient to use multiple threads
> (maybe a thread pool?) to process the traps.
> But the hard part is:
> For each sender, the application must process the traps strictly in the
> order they were received.
> For example, if the application receives the traps  A, B, C, D  from a
> particular sender, then the application must process first A, then B, then C
> and finally D.
> It would be great if someone can give any suggestions to do that?
> Thank you
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