[SNMP4J] SNMPv3 Key Localization

Smith, Gary Gary.Smith at flukenetworks.com
Thu Nov 26 10:54:15 CET 2009

Hi Frank


I'm a little confused by SNMPv3 Key Localization and your example:




snmp.getUSM().addLocalizedUser(engineID, sharedUserName,

    AuthMD5.getID(), new OctetString("md5Passphrase"),

    PrivDES.getID(), new OctetString("desPassphrase"));



In the example you call USM.addLocalizedUser(...) with OctetString
passphrases for auth & priv but as I understand the method these should
be byte[] passkeys.  And, indeed, the sample code will not compile.


These passphrases should be converted to passkeys.  I'm assuming this
should be by adding a simple getValue() (because how do I get passkeys
if not from passphrases), so should I instead be using


snmp.getUSM().addLocalizedUser(engineID, sharedUserName,



        passwordToKey(AuthMD5.getID(),new OctetString("md5Passphrase"),



OctetString("desPassphrase"), engineID));



My usage scenario is essentially a poller where agents can possibly have
duplicate usernames but that passphrases for the same username may be
different per agent.  (Maybe I shouldn't be thinking in terms of
localised keys at all?)






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