[SNMP4J] TcpTransportMapping.close(address) hanging in AIX

Brice Fines bfines at sermepa.es
Fri Oct 16 15:25:05 CEST 2009

Hi Frank,

You were ritght, I had a little mistake in my log4.properties, traces were 
logged twice but methods were only called once.

I had:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout
log4j.logger.org.snmp4j = DEBUG, stdout

Corrected it to:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout
log4j.logger.org.snmp4j = DEBUG

(We are using the default ThreadFactory.)
Since method are only called once, maybe the problem is elsewhere.
If you are interested, I could try a snapshot with more detailed logs for 
TcpTransportMapping.close(address) hanging in AIX.


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