[SNMP4J] New SNMP4J Releases

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Tue Oct 27 12:35:13 CET 2009

There are new releases for all SNMP4J.org software packages!

Name            Version
SNMP4J          1.10.2
SNMP4J-Agent    1.3.2
SNMP4J-AgentX   1.2.2
SNMP4J-AgentJMX 1.0
SNMP4J-CLT      1.1

The above releases contain bug fixes and other improvements
in the first place. In addition, all source code releases
can now be built with Maven:

The SNMP4J Maven repository for SNAPSHOT releases is:
The SNMP4J Maven repository for RELEASEs is:

SNMP4J-CLT 1.1 adds a new major feature: SNMPv3 user and
passphrase management.


SNMP4J Version 1.10.2:

* Fixed: [SFJ-10] Snmp.discoverAuthoritativeEngineId sends second
   GET request after receive of unknownEngineID report (which
   already provided the requested engineID).
* Added: IpAddress(byte[] addr) constructor.
* Fixed: [SFJ-13] java.nio.ClosedChannelException in
   DefaultTCPTransportMapping after java.net.ConnectExecption on
   another target.
* Fixed: [SFJ-14] Sync request could hang forever in a wait()
   call if SyncResponseListener caught an unhandled runtime
* Fixed: Possible NullPointerException in MPv3 if no Counter-
   Support has been set.
* Improved: [SFJ-16] By using a PDUFactory that creates a GETNEXT
   PDU, TableUtils and TreeUtils can be forced to use GETNEXT PDUs
   to retrieve their SNMP data for v2c and v3 too.
* Improved: DefaultTCPTransportMapping performance.
* Improved: MPv3/USM error message.
* Improved: MultiThreadMessageDispatcher operate on a copy of the
   message buffer supplied to its processMessage method to allow
   parallel processing of incoming message by several TransportListeners.
* Improved: Added a default thread join timeout to avoid hangs on
   JDKs which do not properly interrupt/join threads waiting in IO
   operation statements.
   See also DefaultThreadFactory.setThreadJoinTimeout(..)
* Improved: OID.append(..) now returns a pointer to itself to
   allow chaining of OID modification operations.
* Improved: Reduced synchronize usage on SocketEntry where it was
   not necessary (i.e., when closing the socket of the entry).
* Fixed: NPE in ArgumentParser.java when parsing empty command line.
* Fixed: Error status texts for wrongLength(8) and wrongEncoding(9).

SNMP4J-Agent v1.3.2:

* Fixed: Snmp4jLogMib NullPointerException when loading
   config from persistent storage without a logger defined.
* Fixed: [SFJ-17] Counter64 instances in tables or other
   multi instance ManagedObjects where not properly skipped
   for SNMPv1.
* Fixed: Snmp4jHeartbeatMib did not allow to create
   heartbeat without start time set.
* Added: MutableMOColumn.setMandatory(boolean) to allow
   non-mandatory read-create columns without default

SNMP4J-AgentX v1.2.2:

* Updated: SNMP4J-Agent to 1.3.2 and SNMP4J-Agent
   to 1.10.2.
* Added: Maven build support.

SNMP4J-AgentJMX v1.0:

* Updated: SNMP4J to 1.10.2 and SNMP4J-Agent to 1.3.2.
* Added: Maven build support.

SNMP4J-CLT v1.1.0:

* Added: Commands usmUser and usmKey to manage SNMPv3
   users and their passphrases.
* Improved: Error messages for USM and MPv3 errors.
* Fixed: An explicit type identifier in curled braces does not
   need to be specified any longer if MIB information is available
   for an OBJECT TYPE.

Frank Fock


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