[SNMP4J] Regarding TableUtils

gangadhar katakam gangadhar.katakam at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 6 13:44:30 CET 2010


I have noticed the following behavior when i was coding using TableUtils.

Scenario: Fetch data using Invalid V3 credentials i.e. securityName.

1) I have used: 
               public List getTable(Target target, OID[] columnOIDs, OID 
lowerBoundIndex, OID upperBoundIndex)  
    output:  returning a TableEvent with the reportPDU i.e.
                      REPORT[reqestID=0, errorStatus=0, errorIndex=0, 
VBS[ = 9]]

2) But When i use 
               public void getTable(Target target, OID[] 
columnOIDs, TableListener listener,Object userObject,OID lowerBoundIndex,
                       OID upperBoundIndex)
    output: empty list.

Here i am attaching the sample program which i have used. 

Please let me know whether this is an expected behavior or not.
Correct me if i am doing anything wrong.

Thanks & Regards,

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