[SNMP4J] Need OID for querying SNMP for CPU usage,etc. in Win XP

Manuneethi Shanmugam manuneethi-s at hcl.com
Tue Dec 21 14:36:13 CET 2010


I am unable to get the details(CPU Util,Swap Util) from windows machine using SNMP(SNMP4j.jar). The SNMP service is running on the target Windows XP system. Where can I find the correct OID for windows XP to retrieve these parameters?

Attaching code below:

import org.snmp4j.CommunityTarget;
import org.snmp4j.PDU;
import org.snmp4j.Snmp;
import org.snmp4j.event.ResponseEvent;
import org.snmp4j.mp.SnmpConstants;
import org.snmp4j.smi.OID;
import org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString;
import org.snmp4j.smi.UdpAddress;
import org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding;
import org.snmp4j.transport.DefaultUdpTransportMapping;

        // configure Snmp object
  private Snmp snmp = null;
  private UdpAddress targetAddress = null;
  private CommunityTarget target = null;
  ResponseEvent responseEvent = null;

        targetAddress = new UdpAddress( + '/' + 161);

target = new CommunityTarget();
        target.setCommunity(new OctetString("public"));

            snmp = new Snmp(new DefaultUdpTransportMapping());


    //CPU usage code

    PDU command = new PDU();
        command.add(new VariableBinding(new OID(".")));// Percentage of Idle CPU time//.
        try {
            responseEvent = snmp.send(command, target);//.
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception : " + e); e.printStackTrace();
        if (responseEvent.getResponse() == null) {
            // request timed out
            return null;
        } else {
            // dump response PDU
            PDU pdu = (responseEvent.getResponse());
            Vector Output = new Vector();
            Output = pdu.getVariableBindings();
            int val1 = 0;
            double CPUMemUtil = 0;
            String str = null;
            str = Output.get(0).toString();
            String Spstr[] = str.split("=");
            Spstr[1] = Spstr[1].trim();
            try {
                val1 = Integer.parseInt(Spstr[1]);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Exception occurred" + e); e.printStackTrace();
            CPUMemUtil = (100 - val1);
            String OutputMemUtil = Double.toString(CPUMemUtil);
            System.out.println("CPU usage"+OutputMemUtil);

Manuneethi .S


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