[SNMP4J] Released: AgenPro 3.0, SNMP4J 1.11, SNMP4J-Agent 1.4,...

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Wed Feb 24 00:49:08 CET 2010


AgenPro 3.0 has been released and is available for
download from https://agentpp.com.

Free upgrade licenses have been sent out to all
customers of AgenPro 2.x since 2010-07-01.

The new features are:

* Java WebStart (1.5+) support!
* Built-in simulation agent.
* SNMP4J 1.4 code generation supports value
   initialization and named trap/notification template
* MIB modules which are member of the current project
   are displayed with bold font in the modules list.
* Context menu in modules list, to open/close MIB
   modules and toggle their project membership.
* Maven-Plugin support.

SNMP4J 1.11 Release Notes

* Fixed: OID for AES128 encryption was
   but is defined by RFC3826 as
* Fixed: snmpInvalidMsgs counter was not incremented for some
   invalid incoming SNMP messages.
* Improved: Made IpAddress implementing AssignableFromByteArray.
* Improved: IpAddress throws RuntimeException with chained
   UnknownHostException if IpAddress is invalid.
* Fixed: JavaLogFactory.createLogger(Class c) used wrong class
   for determining the logger name.
* Added: OID.trim().
* Fixed: [SFJ-22] Resource leak in DefaultTcpTransportMapping
   when trying to connect to a non-existing (or connection refusing)

SNMP4J-Agent 1.4 Release Notes

* Added: MOServer.getRegisteredContexts.
* Fixed: DuplicateRegistrationException was incorrectly
   thrown by DefaultMOServer.register if a ManagedObject
   had been registered for all contexts before another
   ManagedObject is registered for a specific context
   but the same scope (OID).
* Added: AgentConfigManager.getState().
* Added: MOFilter to support filtering of ManagedObjects
   for certain types or attributes.
* Fixed: SET request on an object that does not exist and
   could not ever be created returns now noCreation error
   status instead notWritable.
* Fixed: DateAndTime.makeCalendar did not support 8 byte
   DateAndTime strings.
* Fixed: Added missing usm.addUsmUserListener to
* Improved: Thread safety of transaction IDs.
* Fixed: Incomplete persistence data for
* Fixed: MOTableSizeLimit checkLimits caused endless loop.
   Changed property name to conform property camel case.
* Added Table size limits to sample agent.
* Added: NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB implementation.
* Improved: RowStatusEvent now contains also Request

SNMP4J-AgentX 1.3 Release Notes

* Updated: SNMP4J-Agent to 1.11 and SNMP4J-Agent
   to 1.4.
* Fixed: NullPointerException when closing
   subagent session without getting a timely
   response from the master.

SNMP4J-AgentJMX 1.1 Release Notes

* Updated: SNMP4J to 1.11 and SNMP4J-Agent to 1.4.

SNMP4J-CLT 1.1.3 Release Notes

* Updated: SNMP4J to 1.11 (and thus improved TCP transport

Frank Fock


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