[SNMP4J] MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher

Clement_Pellerin at ibi.com Clement_Pellerin at ibi.com
Fri Jan 15 15:36:46 CET 2010

I am using MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher together with AgentConfigManager.

If I give a workerPool to MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher but not to AgentConfigManager, then incoming requests are threading fine but Notifications are serialized.

If I give a workerPool to MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher and AgentConfigManager, then notifications can be sent in parallel but incoming requests go through excessive thread switching. The request starts on the transport thread, then hops to a  MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher and finally hops again to an AgentConfigManager thread. The first hop is the whole reason for the MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher but there is no reason for the last thread switch.

If you work on SNMP4J threading in the future, please consider addressing this undesirable side-effect.

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