[SNMP4J] agent simulation

oumniya zrikem oumniya.zrikem at gmail.com
Sun May 8 15:02:01 CEST 2011


I tested your snmp agent with the snmp4j agent toolbox.

I tried to understand how to modify the agent to fit my needs.
here is my code, i used your snmp test agent.

        OID interfacesTable = new OID(".");

        MOTableBuilder builder = new MOTableBuilder(interfacesTable)









            .addRowValue(new Integer32(3))
            .addRowValue(new OctetString("loopback"))
            .addRowValue(new Integer32(24))
            .addRowValue(new Integer32(1200))
            .addRowValue(new Gauge32(10000000))
           .addRowValue(new OctetString("00:00:00:00:01"))
            .addRowValue(new Integer32(1300))
            .addRowValue(new Integer32(1400))
            //next row
            .addRowValue(new Integer32(2))
            .addRowValue(new OctetString("eth0"))
            .addRowValue(new Integer32(22))
            .addRowValue(new Integer32(1100))
            .addRowValue(new Gauge32(10000000))
            .addRowValue(new OctetString("00:00:00:00:02"))
            .addRowValue(new Integer32(1500))
            .addRowValue(new Integer32(1600));

When i made get requests with a manager i got the answer but when i made set
requests i had problems ("the error is bad access")

i made the set request with:
community: public
and then i put another string for the pdu.

I hope everything is clear.

Thanks a lot


Oumniya ZRIKEM

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