[SNMP4J] AgentX shared table indexes problem

Jesse Woo jesse.woo at cerillion.com
Mon Feb 20 14:10:20 CET 2012

I have a MIB contains two tables, main table peerTable and its child table statTable.

Each row in peerTable represents one session, and each row of statTable is one statistic of a session. Hence the relationship of peerTable and statTable is one-to-many.

I have many sessions and want the two tables shared across sessions, and I want the tree is built like this,

Say session 10 has 3 statistics

peerIndex.10 = 10 # represents session 10

statIndex.10.1 = 1 # represents 1st stat of session 10
statIndex.10.2 = 2 # represents 1st stat of session 10
statIndex.10.3 = 3 # represents 1st stat of session 10

I have followed sample AgentppTestMib.java and created the two tables as DefaultAgentXSharedMOTable.

The peerTable works ok but I can't add any rows to statTable because master agent returned error code 259 (AGENTX_INDEX_ALREADY_ALLOCATED) when allocating index for statTable.

Seems master can't allocate combined index if one of them is already allocated. For example, peerIndex 10 is created for peerTable, and I want to allocate index (peerIndx, statIndex) (10,1) for statTable and master rejects it as the 10 is already allocated.

My question is:

Is it AgentX API bug? If not, is it my MIB not compatible with AgentX? If so, how to implement shared table & child tables?

Below are my codes and MIB:

private MOTable<StatEntryRow,
                MOTableModel<StatEntryRow>> statEntry;
private MOTableModel<StatEntryRow> statEntryModel;


private void createStatEntry(MOFactory moFactory) {
  // Index definition
  statEntryIndexes =
    new MOTableSubIndex[] {
                             SMIConstants.SYNTAX_INTEGER, 1, 1),
                           SMIConstants.SYNTAX_INTEGER, 1, 1)    };

  // Table model
  statEntryModel =
    new StatEntryRowFactory());
  statEntry =

static class CerillionCcs2MOFactory extends DefaultMOFactory {

  public MOTable createTable(OID oid, MOTableIndex indexDef,
                             MOColumn[] columns) {
    if (oidPeerEntry.equals(oid)) {
      return new DefaultAgentXSharedMOTable(oid, indexDef, columns) {
        public void setAgentXSharedMOTableSupport(AgentXSharedMOTableSupport
            sharedTableSupport) {

          OID index =
              new OID(new int[] { sharedTableSupport.getSession().getSessionID() });

          // register current session on shared table PeerEntry
          Variable[] vbs = getDefaultValues();
          vbs[idxPeerIndex] = new Integer32(sharedTableSupport.getSession().getSessionID());
          vbs[idxPeerName] = new OctetString("Session - " + sharedTableSupport.getSession().getSessionID());
          vbs[idxCurrentState] = new OctetString(function.getState().toString());

          MOTableRow row = createRow(index, vbs);
          if (row != null) {

    if (oidStatEntry.equals(oid)) {
      return new DefaultAgentXSharedMOTable(oid, indexDef, columns) {
        public void setAgentXSharedMOTableSupport(AgentXSharedMOTableSupport
            sharedTableSupport) {

          int sessionId = sharedTableSupport.getSession().getSessionID();

          // add initial stats
          psList = function.getPeerStatistics();
          for (int i=0; psList!=null && i<psList.size(); i++) {
            OID index =
              new OID(new int[] { sessionId,  i+1});

            PeerStatistics ps = psList.get(i);

            Variable[] vbs = getDefaultValues();
            vbs[idxStatIndex] = new Integer32(i+1);
            vbs[idxStatname] = new OctetString(ps.getPeerName() + " of session - " + sessionId);
            vbs[idxRecvCount] = new Counter32((int)ps.getReceivedCount());
            vbs[idxSentCount] = new Counter32((int)ps.getSentCount());

            MOTableRow row = createRow(index, vbs);
            if (row != null) {
    return new DefaultAgentXSharedMOTable(oid, indexDef, columns);

  public MOTable createTable(OID oid, MOTableIndex indexDef, MOColumn[] columns,
                             MOTableModel model) {
    DefaultAgentXSharedMOTable table =
        (DefaultAgentXSharedMOTable) createTable(oid, indexDef, columns);
    return table;


Here is the MIB:

    SYNTAX      PeerEntry
    ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS      mandatory
    DESCRIPTION "Each entry presents a peer."
    INDEX   { peerIndex }
    ::= { peerTable 1 }

PeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    peerIndex     INTEGER,

    SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..2147483647)
    ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS      mandatory
    DESCRIPTION "Unique index on peer table."
    ::= { peerEntry 1 }

    SYNTAX      StatEntry
    ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS      mandatory
    DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents a statistic of a peer.
                 The peerIndex in the index represents the entry in
                 the peerTable that corresponds to the statEntry.
   INDEX   { peerIndex, statIndex }
    ::= { statTable 1 }

StatEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    statIndex INTEGER,

    SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..2147483647)
    ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS      mandatory
    DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each statistic of the peer."
    ::= { statEntry 1 }

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