[SNMP4J] localEngineID and enterpriseID

Binh Le lpbinh at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 19:30:06 CEST 2012


I notice that the enterpriseID is hardcoded with the value 4976 in
org/snmp4j/mp/MPv3.java and the localEngineID is also created based on
that enterpriseID plus the host's IP address.

What can I do in order to create the localEngineID in a different
formula? I was thinking of subclass MPv3 and setting a new
localEngineID at agent startup from the new class. However, I also see
that MPv3 is statically referred in several places in the stack, so I
am afraid that SNMPv3 will not work if I subclass MPv3 like that that.

Would you please throw some suggestions?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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