[SNMP4J] How to write to a SNMP table?

Stefan Sanner gemoron at hotmail.de
Fri Feb 28 08:25:03 CET 2014


I work on a programm designed to manage the MAC-adresses which are whitelisted in a router. 
I managed to read values from the test device and I can write scalar values, but I can't get programm to write new rows into the table.

I searched in the mail archive for a sollution and I found http://s16675406.onlinehome-server.info/pipermail/snmp4j/2012-January/004759.html . 
I tried to get it working with TableUtils.createRow, but I couldn't make it by now. 

-> What is meant with OID rowIndex? 

-> Does anyone have an example on how to use the function?

This is the description of the table I need to modify http://system-update.eu/snmp_manager/brickmib_9_1/tables/wlanACLTable.html

And here is the code I try to use. this is the version to modify scalar values

Global variables: 
String adress
Snmp snmp

public String executeSetRequest (String AccessName, String AccessPassword, String oid, String mac) throws IOException
        snmp.getUSM().addUser(new OctetString(AccessName), new UsmUser(new OctetString(AccessName),AuthMD5.ID, new OctetString(AccessPassword),PrivDES.ID, new OctetString(AccessPassword)));
        ScopedPDU pdu = new ScopedPDU();
        pdu.add(new VariableBinding(new OID(oid), new OctetString(mac)));
        ResponseEvent response = snmp.send(pdu, getUserTarget(AccessName));
        if(response == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("GET timed out");
        return response.getResponse().get(0).toString();
private UserTarget getUserTarget(String AccessName)
        UserTarget target = new UserTarget();
        target.setSecurityName(new OctetString(AccessName));
        return target;

I asked this question on StackOverflow as well http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22015185/how-to-add-rows-to-a-mib-table-in-snmp4j

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