[SNMP4J] DefaultTcpTransportMapping: socket disconnect causes timeouts for all

Ladd ladd at codemettle.com
Thu Jun 5 23:03:04 CEST 2014

Frank Fock <fock at ...> writes:

> I used two SNMP4J-Agent Sample Agents and MIB Explorer Pro 4.0 beta
> (based on SNMP4J 2.3.0) to reproduce the issue.
> I connected to both agents with TCP (by requesting some GET/GETBULK 
> requests)
> and then killed one of the agent and then send a request to both agents. 
> The one
> to the killed one timed out and the other work without problems (tried 
> several times).
> Best regards,
> Frank

I see.  Was MIB Explorer using a single session instance with a single
TableUtils instance calling the synchronous getTable() to do its queries?


- Ladd

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