[SNMP4J] DefaultTcpTransportMapping: socket disconnect causes timeouts for all

Ladd ladd at codemettle.com
Thu Jun 19 20:53:13 CEST 2014

Ladd <ladd at ...> writes:

I think I found the it!!  DefaultTcpTransportMapping has this method:

    private void processPending() {
      synchronized (pending) {
        for (int i=0; i<pending.size(); i++) {
          SocketEntry entry = pending.getFirst();
           *   ... continue on to process entry

Works great if there's only one pending entry.  But the bug occurs when
there are two or more due getFirst() being called over and over.

I change it to entry = pending.get(i) and reran my test.  So far so good!

Please confirm.


- Ladd

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