[SNMP4J] set a tablerow

Stefan Sanner gemoron at hotmail.de
Tue Mar 11 10:48:26 CET 2014

Hello everyone,
I have written a similar question around 2 weeks ago, but I couldn't make any progress.

I still try to add and modify rows in a table wich don't support the usage of TableUltils.createRow().

I looked for an example on how to add a row with snmp4j without using this function, but I couldn't find one.

Does anyone has an example on how to add a row?

I tried to code a low level API solution on the basis of http://www.webnms.com/snmp/help/snmpapi/snmpv3/table_handling/snmptables_addrow.html#Low

01> SNMPClient snmp = new SNMPClient("udp:"+ ip +"/161");
03> VariableBinding[] bindings={new VariableBinding(new OID( WLAN_MAC_ACL + ".1." + String.valueOf(rowCount)),new OctetString(mac)),
04>			        new VariableBinding(new OID( WLAN_MAC_ACL + ".2." + String.valueOf(rowCount)),new Integer32(200000)),
05>			        new VariableBinding(new OID( WLAN_MAC_ACL + ".3." + String.valueOf(rowCount)),new Integer32(1))}; 
07> snmp.getUSM().addUser(new OctetString(AccessName), new UsmUser(new OctetString(AccessName),AuthMD5.ID, new OctetString(AccessPassword),PrivDES.ID, new OctetString(AccessPassword)));
09> ScopedPDU pdu = new ScopedPDU();
10> pdu.setType(ScopedPDU.SET);
11> for(int i = 0; i < Binding.length;i++)
12>	pdu.add(Binding[i]);	
14> ResponseEvent response = snmp.send(pdu,  getUserTarget(AccessName));

I try to send the content of the row within a single PDU. The return message shows: 

01> = 00:01:02:03:04:07   

, but the table hasn't changed on the router.

Am I using the wrong approach or is setting a row without tableUtils.createRow() simply impossible?

This is the description of the table I need to modify http://system-update.eu/snmp_manager/brickmib_9_1/tables/wlanACLTable.html




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