[SNMP4J] SNMPv3 problem with unhandled responses

Peter Verthez Peter.Verthez at alcatel-lucent.com
Mon Oct 27 09:12:39 CET 2014

Hi Frank,

All tests are done on Solaris with an x86 processor.    The JDKs are 
from Oracle:

  * for the SNMP4J 2.3.0 and 2.3.1 tests, JDK 7u45 is used
  * for the SNMP4J 2.0.1 problem at our customer, it's JDK 7u06

We'll test with the patch that you provided.


On 27/10/2014 8:35, Frank Fock wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Operarting system and JDK version (including whether it is a Oracle or 
> 3rd party JRE) would be helpful
> too.
> I will analyze it. Meanwhile, you could try the following fix in 
> Snmp.java:
>   protected boolean resendRequest(PendingRequest request, PDU response) {
>     if (request.useNextPDU()) {
>       request.responseReceived = false;
>       synchronized (pendingRequests) {
>         pendingRequests.remove(request.key);
>         PduHandle holdKeyUntilResendDone = request.key;
>         request.key = null;
>         handleInternalResponse(response, request.pdu, 
> request.target.getAddress());
>         try {
>           sendMessage(request.pdu, request.target, request.transport, 
> request);
>         }
>         catch (IOException e) {
>           logger.error("IOException while resending request after RFC 
> 5343 context engine ID discovery: " +
>               e.getMessage(), e);
>         }
>         // now the previous retry can be released
>         if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
>           logger.debug("Releasing PDU handle "+holdKeyUntilResendDone);
>         }
>         holdKeyUntilResendDone = null;
>       }
>       return true;
>     }
>     return false;
>   }
> From my analysis, I thought this improvement would not have any effect 
> on your issue,
> but I am not 100% sure. I will have to exeactly analyze the 
> request/response sequences
> to be sure.
> Best regards,
> Frank
> Am 27.10.2014 08:01, schrieb Peter Verthez:
>> Hi Frank,
>> We have now tried with both SNMP4J 2.3.0 and 2.3.1 and we're facing 
>> the same problem.
>> Can you investigate this?   Is there any more information we could 
>> provide?
>> Best regards,
>> Peter.
>> On 24/10/2014 8:17, Peter Verthez wrote:
>>> OK, thanks, we'll try that (we are on the latest version in our 
>>> latest release, but the customer is using an older release of our 
>>> product).
>>> Best regards,
>>> Peter.
>>> On 24/10/2014 2:16, Frank Fock wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> Please update to the latest version. There have been several fixes 
>>>> about race conditions
>>>> in the Snmp class regarding retries and the PduHandleCallback. The 
>>>> current implementation
>>>> seems to be OK regarding handling of the Message IDs and the MPv3 
>>>> Cache WeakHashMap.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Frank
>>>> Am 23.10.2014 12:34, schrieb Peter Verthez:
>>>>> Hi Frank,
>>>>> One of our customers has reported a problem with SNMPv3. The 
>>>>> version of our application that they use is using SNMP4J 2.0.1. 
>>>>> For the particular SNMP request that has the problem, the agent is 
>>>>> known to respond very slowly, so the timeout model for that 
>>>>> particular request has been set to:
>>>>> - a first timeout after 30 seconds, then a retransmission
>>>>> - a second timeout after 60 seconds (so 90 seconds after the 
>>>>> original request), then a retransmission
>>>>> - a third timeout after 120 seconds (210 seconds after the 
>>>>> original request)
>>>>> Now, we observe the following behavior (you can also see that in 
>>>>> the logs that I'm pasting below):
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,428 => Original request
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:03,430 => 1st retransmission
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:37,444 => Response to original request (rejected)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,440 => 2nd retransmission
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:41,466 => Response to 1st retransmission (rejected)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,539 => Response to 2nd retransmission (accepted)
>>>>> So the problem that we see is that the first response (the 
>>>>> response to the original request) is not accepted for some 
>>>>> reason.   This looks similar to the problem SFJ-43, but that was 
>>>>> fixed in SNMP4J 2.0.0 according to the change log.   We are in the 
>>>>> process of trying to reproduce it on SNMP4J 2.3.0, but I see no 
>>>>> relevant change in the change log, so I guess there will be no 
>>>>> difference.
>>>>> The logs are the following (with some sensitive information removed):
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,426 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.security.UsmUserTable] Adding 
>>>>> user <removed> = UsmUser 
>>>>> [secName=<removed>,authProtocol=,authPassphrase=<removed>,privProtocol=,privPassphrase=<removed>,localizationEngineID=null]
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,427 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] Context engine ID of 
>>>>> scoped PDU is empty! Setting it to authoritative engine ID: 
>>>>> 80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,427 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.security.USM] getUser 
>>>>> (engineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b, securityName=<removed>)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,427 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.security.USM] RFC3414 §3.1.4.a 
>>>>> Outgoing message needs to be encrypted
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,427 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.security.PrivDES] Preparing 
>>>>> decrypt_params.
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,427 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.security.PrivDES] Preparing iv 
>>>>> for encryption.
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,427 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.security.PrivDES] Using padding.
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,427 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.security.PrivDES] Encryption 
>>>>> finished.
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,427 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] Adding cache entry: 
>>>>> StateReference[msgID=1547681362,pduHandle=PduHandle[1912160112],securityEngineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b,securityModel=org.snmp4j.security.USM at 897ec81,securityName=<removed>,securityLevel=3,contextEngineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b,contextName=nt,retryMsgIDs=null] 
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,428 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.Snmp] Running pending sync 
>>>>> request with handle PduHandle[1912160112] and retry count left 2
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:42:33,428 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.transport.DefaultUdpTransportMapping] 
>>>>> Sending message to with length 143: 
>>>>> 30:81:8c:02:01:03:30:11:02:04:5c:3f:be:52:02:03:00:ff:ff:04:01:07:02:01:03:04:3a:30:38:04:0b:80:00:02:7d:03:
>>>>> 00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b:02:01:05:02:03:00:f6:1c:04:09:31:40:72:61:6c:65:69:67:68:04:0c:aa:82:4f:0d:79:70:ab:03:54:1d:8d:07:04:08: 
>>>>> 00:00:00:05:1a:64:0a:89:04:38:56:b3:24:74:26:e8:bc:d0:be:5c:f4:6e:59:d6:ac:2e:35:2d:01:fd:91:3f:be:0e:75:31:aa:96:4d:9b:36:ab:27:e7:65:e6:e3:18:55: 
>>>>> a6:1a:fc:be:cc:22:3c:92:47:6a:06:3b:e7:30:1a:16:2c
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:03,430 DEBUG [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> Adding cache entry: 
>>>>> StateReference[msgID=1547681458,pduHandle=PduHandle[1912160112],securityEngineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b,securityModel=org.snmp4j.security.USM at 897ec81,securityName=<removed>,securityLevel=3,contextEngineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b,contextName=nt,retryMsgIDs=null]
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:03,430 DEBUG [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.Snmp] Running 
>>>>> pending sync request with handle PduHandle[1912160112] and retry 
>>>>> count left 1
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:03,430 DEBUG 
>>>>> [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.transport.DefaultUdpTransportMapping] 
>>>>> Sending message to with length 143: 
>>>>> 30:81:8c:02:01:03:30:11:02:04:5c:3f:be:b2:02:03:00:ff:ff:04:01:07:02:01:03:04:3a:30:38:04:0b:80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b:
>>>>> 02:01:05:02:03:00:f6:3a:04:09:31:40:72:61:6c:65:69:67:68:04:0c:01:bd:0d:b8:20:96:05:00:f8:52:26:ac:04:08:00:00:00:05:1a:64:0a: 
>>>>> e6:04:38:76:37:c0:dd:e9:97:38:33:11:2d:3e:76:31:a8:67:2e:bb:dd:8b:cd:cc:5a:33:28:ec:53:6c:a2:ab:da:f7:5b:88:9d:98:59:f3:e9:ae: 
>>>>> 2b:d5:12:16:2f:dd:4d:33:5d:c7:6e:19:14:65:f4:2c:60
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:37,444 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.transport.DefaultUdpTransportMapping] 
>>>>> Received message from / with length 152:
>>>>> 30:82:00:94:02:01:03:30:11:02:04:5c:3f:be:52:02:03:00:ff:ff:04:01:07:02:01:03:04:3a:30:38:04:0b:80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f: 
>>>>> 9b:02:01:05:02:03:00:f6:5d:04:09:31:40:72:61:6c:65:69:67:68:04:0c:e0:81:9d:7f:48:f7:12:2b:72:28:33:0c:04:08:08:35:08:35:08:35: 
>>>>> 08:35:04:40:16:f0:c4:fd:8a:3a:e6:01:89:de:17:22:d3:75:95:69:9d:81:d6:f8:44:47:97:91:bf:d9:8c:cc:f1:fc:04:5e:47:84:1b:04:ae:37: 
>>>>> b0:3a:58:ec:2b:6f:c9:8f:5d:08:0c:e3:33:f1:7f:5b:ca:95:cf:c0:43:72:c6:9c:79:6c 
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:37,444 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> SNMPv3 header decoded: msgId=1547681362, msgMaxSize=65535, 
>>>>> msgFlags=07, secModel=3
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:37,444 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.security.USM] 
>>>>> getUser(engineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b, 
>>>>> securityName=<removed>)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:37,444 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.security.UsmTimeTable] 
>>>>> CheckTime: time ok (non authoritative)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:37,444 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> RFC3412 §7.2.10 - Received PDU (msgID=1547681362) is a response 
>>>>> or internal class message, but cached information for the msgID 
>>>>> could not be found
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:37,444 WARN 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.MessageDispatcherImpl] 
>>>>> statusInfo=noError, status=-1409
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,439 DEBUG [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.security.USM] 
>>>>> getUser(engineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b, 
>>>>> securityName=<removed>)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,439 DEBUG [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.security.USM] 
>>>>> RFC3414 §3.1.4.a Outgoing message needs to be encrypted
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,439 DEBUG 
>>>>> [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.security.PrivDES] Preparing decrypt_params.
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,439 DEBUG 
>>>>> [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.security.PrivDES] Preparing iv for encryption.
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,440 DEBUG 
>>>>> [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.security.PrivDES] Using padding.
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,440 DEBUG 
>>>>> [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.security.PrivDES] Encryption finished.
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,440 DEBUG [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> Adding cache entry: 
>>>>> StateReference[msgID=1547681650,pduHandle=PduHandle[1912160112],securityEngineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b,securityModel=org.snmp4j.security.USM at 897ec81,securityName=<removed>,securityLevel=3,contextEngineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b,contextName=nt,retryMsgIDs=null]
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,440 DEBUG [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.Snmp] Running 
>>>>> pending sync request with handle PduHandle[1912160112] and retry 
>>>>> count left 0
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:03,440 DEBUG 
>>>>> [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.transport.DefaultUdpTransportMapping] 
>>>>> Sending message to with length 143:
>>>>> 30:81:8c:02:01:03:30:11:02:04:5c:3f:bf:72:02:03:00:ff:ff:04:01:07:02:01:03:04:3a:30:38:04:0b:80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b: 
>>>>> 02:01:05:02:03:00:f6:77:04:09:31:40:72:61:6c:65:69:67:68:04:0c:a7:9a:4e:c6:14:1f:c3:59:6d:7c:50:8d:04:08:00:00:00:05:1a:64:0b: 
>>>>> 9d:04:38:da:3a:05:13:5d:80:b0:9c:fe:41:c5:92:f7:72:9c:9b:fc:01:d0:c3:85:40:b5:93:e2:ab:9c:a0:ca:3a:0a:cf:91:1b:73:e6:89:a3:11: 
>>>>> f2:59:c1:00:3c:ee:a7:07:aa:7d:9f:1e:7f:2e:07:7f:04
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:04,109 DEBUG [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.Snmp] 
>>>>> PendingRequest canceled key=null, pdu=null, target=null, 
>>>>> transport=null, listener=null
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:04,129 DEBUG [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.Snmp] 
>>>>> PendingRequest canceled key=null, pdu=null, target=null, 
>>>>> transport=null, listener=null
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:04,129 DEBUG [Timer-30]-[org.snmp4j.Snmp] 
>>>>> PendingRequest canceled key=null, pdu=null, target=null, 
>>>>> transport=null, listener=null
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:41,466 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.transport.DefaultUdpTransportMapping] 
>>>>> Received message from / with length 152:
>>>>> 30:82:00:94:02:01:03:30:11:02:04:5c:3f:be:b2:02:03:00:ff:ff:04:01:07:02:01:03:04:3a:30:38:04:0b:80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f: 
>>>>> 9b:02:01:05:02:03:00:f6:9d:04:09:31:40:72:61:6c:65:69:67:68:04:0c:1a:d1:a1:f1:89:56:c8:cb:60:58:05:2d:04:08:54:4a:54:4a:54:4a: 
>>>>> 54:4a:04:40:b1:0c:a4:55:56:4c:13:c6:73:a2:f5:70:19:68:83:e8:03:ac:b0:40:0c:c8:8d:c0:fc:7c:b6:b6:0f:81:d8:97:35:ea:d6:7e:6b:47: 
>>>>> 0f:f7:c2:7d:f7:62:1e:14:c0:81:58:9e:22:ba:1d:4a:f2:cd:74:b6:18:b9:1e:93:9f:23 
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:41,466 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> SNMPv3 header decoded: msgId=1547681458, msgMaxSize=65535, 
>>>>> msgFlags=07, secModel=3
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:41,466 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.security.USM] 
>>>>> getUser(engineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b, 
>>>>> securityName=<removed>)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:41,466 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.security.UsmTimeTable] 
>>>>> CheckTime: time ok (non authoritative)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:41,466 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> RFC3412 §7.2.10 - Received PDU (msgID=1547681458) is a response 
>>>>> or internal class message, but cached information for the msgID 
>>>>> could not be found
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:44:41,467 WARN 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.MessageDispatcherImpl] 
>>>>> statusInfo=noError, status=-1409
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,539 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.transport.DefaultUdpTransportMapping] 
>>>>> Received message from / with length 152:
>>>>> 30:82:00:94:02:01:03:30:11:02:04:5c:3f:bf:72:02:03:00:ff:ff:04:01:07:02:01:03:04:3a:30:38:04:0b:80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f: 
>>>>> 9b:02:01:05:02:03:00:f6:dd:04:09:31:40:72:61:6c:65:69:67:68:04:0c:63:92:b3:32:2d:43:06:89:11:1b:bf:41:04:08:79:1a:79:1a:79:1a: 
>>>>> 79:1a:04:40:3e:29:b5:5b:77:09:68:17:85:b1:9a:dc:22:75:cd:6d:f6:d7:3d:6f:a0:0c:6e:85:c5:9c:78:92:97:52:08:e6:83:59:5c:e9:70:44: 
>>>>> 3c:5a:94:6e:f2:3a:f3:19:3e:fa:ba:6c:4f:3e:ed:32:2f:02:de:ce:c3:95:46:0c:79:c4 
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,539 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> SNMPv3 header decoded: msgId=1547681650, msgMaxSize=65535, 
>>>>> msgFlags=07, secModel=3
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,540 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.security.USM] 
>>>>> getUser(engineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b, 
>>>>> securityName=<removed>)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,540 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.security.UsmTimeTable] 
>>>>> CheckTime: time ok (non authoritative)
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,540 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> Removed cache entry: 
>>>>> StateReference[msgID=1547681650,pduHandle=PduHandle[1912160112],securityEngineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b,securityModel=org.snmp4j.security.USM at 897ec81,securityName=<removed>,securityLevel=3,contextEngineID=80:00:02:7d:03:00:0e:86:1e:5f:9b,contextName=nt,retryMsgIDs=null]
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,540 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> RFC3412 §7.2.10 - Received PDU (msgID=1547681650) is a response 
>>>>> or an internal class message. PduHandle.transactionID = 1912160112
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,540 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> MPv3 finished
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,540 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.Snmp] 
>>>>> Looking up pending request with handle PduHandle[1912160112]
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:45:45,540 DEBUG 
>>>>> [http-]-[org.snmp4j.Snmp] Removed pending request 
>>>>> with handle: PduHandle[1912160112]
>>>>> ----------------------------------
>>>>> As you can see, the first response is rejected with:
>>>>> 2014-10-22 10:43:37,444 DEBUG 
>>>>> [DefaultUDPTransportMapping_124.150.10.20/0]-[org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3] 
>>>>> RFC3412 §7.2.10 - Received PDU (msgID=1547681362) is a response 
>>>>> or internal class message, but cached information for the msgID 
>>>>> could not be found
>>>>> However, I don't see a logging line telling that the entry for 
>>>>> PDUHandle 1912160112 has been removed from the MPv3 cache before 
>>>>> that line.   I would expect:
>>>>> - either the logging line from Cache.popEntry ("Removed cache 
>>>>> entry: ...")
>>>>> - or the error line from Snmp.run, where Cache.deleteEntry is 
>>>>> eventually called ("Failed to send SNMP message to ...")
>>>>> The entry is only explicitly removed at the very end, after the 
>>>>> response to the second retransmission.
>>>>> The only thing I can see (but I could be completely wrong about 
>>>>> this) is that the MPv3 Cache uses a WeakHashMap, so if there would 
>>>>> be no other references to those PduHandles, the GC could remove 
>>>>> this.   The longer the timeout is, the bigger the chance that a GC 
>>>>> will step in and remove the entry.   But I don't have a view on 
>>>>> the overall design: maybe there are references elsewhere.
>>>>> Could you investigate this issue?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Peter.

Peter Verthez
Systems Engineer Network Mgt.
Tel: (+32) 3 240 84 50 | Alcanet:
Fax: (+32) 3 240 84 59 | (6)2605

Alcatel-Lucent Bell NV
Copernicuslaan 50, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium
Fortis 220-0002334-42
VAT BE 0404 621 642 Register of Legal Entities Antwerp

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