[SNMP4J] Sending SNMP V3 Traps with or without Agent?

Boussour, Imene (6076618) imene.boussour at bell.ca
Thu Jan 22 22:28:59 CET 2015

Hi SNMP4J Team,
Thank you for all your efforts developing  the snmp4j stack. And for taking the time to answering our questions.
I am using SNMP4J to send V3 Traps to a third party Trap manager application hosted in a remote Windows Server.
I already implemented a Java Class to send V3 Traps. I would like to know if I need to implement an SNMP Agent in order to send my Traps to a Trap receiver software. Knowing that, This software must discover SNMP devices in order to receive Traps from those devices that appears on its list. But What happen in a case of an Application?
Does my SNMP Trap sending Class work alone without an Agent if the Trap receiving server discovered the machine hosting my application? Or, I need that Trap receiving app to discover an SNMP Agent that I would implement in order to accept Traps from my application?
The fact is that I am not able to test the solution yet!
I hope my question is clear, otherwise, please let me know to clarify some parts.
Thanks in advance,

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