[SNMP4J] Extracting Trap properties via SMI-PRO

René Scholl rene.scholl at euromedia-service.de
Wed Jul 1 19:18:03 CEST 2015

Dear all,


I am using SNMP4J - SMI -PRO within my application to compile MIB files and
gather properties of managed objects specified within these files.


Whenever I look up a specific OID and it happens to be of type
'SmiObjectType' or 'SmiValueType' and access the methods those interfaces


I run into problems when the SmiObject  is of  SMI-Type 'TRAP_TYPE' or
'NOTIFICATION_TYPE'.  If I inspect such a before mentioned SmiObject -
instance in a debugger,  I can see it contains an MIBNotifyType - Object
offering the trap's enterprise attribute and contained varbinds. 


However I cannot figure out how to access these information. I tried to cast
the SmiObject to MibNotifyType without success. More over I did not find out
any other interface or class I can utilize. 


My goal is to extract  the trap's varbinds to gather further information on
their syntax, potential range etc.

How can i do that ?


Thank you in advance and kind regards, 



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