[SNMP4J] snmp getrequest on snmpset for MOSubTreeProxy

ru_44 at hotmail.com ru_44 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 7 17:31:16 CEST 2016

 I am using the MOSubTreeProxy to forward requests for my own private enterprise MIB sub tree to a device.
Everything works great for most part when I do get, getnext, getbulk, walk.
My question is on set requests.  
Here is the sequence for a set for MOSubTree proxy:
1) set request from Client
2) snmp4j receives set request 
3) snmp4j sends a get request to device
4) snmp4j receives get response from device
5) snmp4j then forwards set request to device
6) snmp4j receives the response from device and forwards that to back client
My question is on steps 3 & 4.  Is that done for validation?  usually in a set request its just sent to the device and response is sent back from device.
I am running into an issue with my device because I have to run a set request to logout of the device from my client.  The mib element for that device always returns "no such instance" if you do a get request.
My issue is that since I am using the MOSubTreeProxy its doing steps 3 & 4 when I send the logout command from my client.  Since step 4 returns no such instance snmp4j doesn't forward the set request to the device in step 5 and just returns no such instance back to the client.
If I just do a set request directly to my device in snmp4j or from command line (using net-snmp for instance) it works fine since its a standard set-request but if I do through the MOSubTreeProxy the additional get request is causing my logout set command to not be forwarded to the device.
Is there a way to disable the additional get request using MOSubTreeProxy or any other way to work around this issue.

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