[SNMP4J] snmpv3 Test Agent returning usmStatsUnknownUserNames.0

ru_44 at hotmail.com ru_44 at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 25 22:27:32 CET 2016

 Hello All,
I am new to snmp4j and want to thank Frank for an outstanding product and continued development.
I am using the TestAgent example to run a snmp v3 agent with my own USM profile "MAagent".
The first time I sent a snmp get request for v3 I am getting back the report with "usmStatsUnknownUserNames.0".   All subsequent requests work correctly. 
My question is why the first snmp request returns with usmStatsUnknownUserNames.0.  
Reading RFC 2274 (USM for SNMPv3) that means the usmUserTable doesn't have the username and authoritative engine ID.  
but if this was the case it wouldn't work on all subsequent attempts and I verified that the USM is in the user table with my debug statements in main in the TestAgent.
I have attached my TestAgent for reference.  again my question is why the 1st attempt returns usmStatsUnknownUserNames.   
thank and appreciate any help.
Rushik Patel

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