[SNMP4J] SNMP4j dropping response causing timeout in manager

ru_44 at hotmail.com ru_44 at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 6 22:58:17 CEST 2016

 Hi Frank,
I have an snmpManager application running (IP that is polling my snmp4j agent (snmp4j agent v2.5.0/snmp4j 2.5.0 - IP 
In my manager I am using snmp4j 2.5.0 for my snmp requests.
I see, somewhat frequently, timeouts occurring on my manager even though I am getting responses.
The responses are actually returned from my agent to my manager.  I verified it in wireshark and I see the response received in my log but for some reason the packet is getting dropped I think by snmp4j before it reaches my application.  
Then 10 seconds later (my timeout value) I see the request timeout in  my log due to the response being dropped.
I have looked into it but getting nowhere so not sure if its a timing thing or something related to my manager application.
I have attached the snmp4j log (snmp4j-timeout_2.log) and the wireshark capture (nullpreset12-snmp4j-timeout.pcapng) of a request and the response returned from the agent but getting dropped by my manager.
the snmp message ID  is 62420 and the PDU request ID is 2117843898.
I only have 1 thread running that is polling the agent.
The timestamp in the log for the request being sent is 
2016-07-06 13:34:43,673
The response is received at 
2016-07-06 13:34:43,683
I see the request handle lookup for the response at 
I see a subsequent request handle cancel at 
2016-07-06 13:34:43,688 but its for a different PDU request ID (129664087).
I do see a 
ConcurrentModificationException at 
2016-07-06 13:34:43,698
The timeout for the request is at timestamp:
2016-07-06 13:34:53,889 

  the wireshark pcap has the request and the response that is dropped by the snmp4j in my manager application.

I am not sure if the exception is causing my issue or not since I am not sure if that is related to the PDU in question. 

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