Class MOTableRowEvent<R extends MOTableRow>

Type Parameters:
R - The MOTable row type of this event.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MOTableRowEvent<R extends MOTableRow> extends DeniableEventObject
The MOTableRowEvent class describes the changes
Frank Fock
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • CHANGE

      public static final int CHANGE
      A single column of a row is changed.
      See Also:
    • CREATE

      public static final int CREATE
      A row is created.
      See Also:
    • ADD

      public static final int ADD
      A row is added.
      See Also:
    • DELETE

      public static final int DELETE
      A row is deleted.
      See Also:

      public static final int UPDATED
      This event type indicates that a complete row has been updated.
      See Also:
    • EXISTS

      public static final int EXISTS
      A row exists in the table at the moment when the corresponding MOTableRowListener has been added to the table. Processing this event type can be used to create dependent rows in augmenting or otherwise extending tables.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MOTableRowEvent

      public MOTableRowEvent(Object source, MOTable<R,? extends MOColumn,? extends MOTableModel<R>> table, R row, int type)
      Creates a table row event based on table, row and type that cannot be canceled by the event listener.
      source - the event source.
      table - the table.
      row - the row associated with this event.
      type - the event type.
    • MOTableRowEvent

      public MOTableRowEvent(Object source, MOTable<R,? extends MOColumn,? extends MOTableModel<R>> table, R row, int type, MOTableRowEvent.OriginType originType)
      Creates a table row event based on table, row and type that cannot be canceled by the event listener.
      source - the event source.
      table - the table.
      row - the row associated with this event.
      type - the event type.
      originType - the origin type (MOTableRowEvent.OriginType.external or MOTableRowEvent.OriginType.internal) of this event.
    • MOTableRowEvent

      public MOTableRowEvent(Object source, MOTable<R,? extends MOColumn,? extends MOTableModel<R>> table, R row, int type, boolean deniable)
      Creates a table row event based on table, row and type that may be canceled by the event listener depending on the specified flag.
      source - the event source.
      table - the table.
      row - the row associated with this event.
      type - the event type.
      deniable - indicates whether the event can be canceled through setting its denyReason member to a SNMP error status.
    • MOTableRowEvent

      public MOTableRowEvent(Object source, MOTable<R,? extends MOColumn,? extends MOTableModel<R>> table, R row, int type, MOTableRowEvent.OriginType originType, boolean deniable)
      Creates a table row event based on table, row and type that may be canceled by the event listener depending on the specified flag.
      source - the event source.
      table - the table.
      row - the row associated with this event.
      type - the event type.
      originType - the origin type (MOTableRowEvent.OriginType.external or MOTableRowEvent.OriginType.internal) of this event.
      deniable - indicates whether the event can be canceled through setting its denyReason member to a SNMP error status.
    • MOTableRowEvent

      public MOTableRowEvent(Object source, MOTable<R,? extends MOColumn,? extends MOTableModel<R>> table, R row, MOTableRow preparedChanges, int type)
      Creates a table row event based on table, row, prepared changes, and type that cannot be canceled by the event listener.
      source - the event source.
      table - the table.
      row - the row associated with this event.
      preparedChanges - a row instance containing the prepared changes for row.
      type - the event type.
    • MOTableRowEvent

      public MOTableRowEvent(Object source, MOTable<R,? extends MOColumn,? extends MOTableModel<R>> table, R row, MOTableRow preparedChanges, int type, boolean deniable, int numberOfConsecutiveEventsOfSameOrigin)
      Creates a table row event based on table, row, prepared changes, and type that cannot be canceled by the event listener. The originType is set to MOTableRowEvent.OriginType.internal because this event cannot be originated by external protocol operations.
      source - the event source.
      table - the table.
      row - the row associated with this event.
      preparedChanges - a row instance containing the prepared changes for row.
      type - the event type.
      deniable - indicates whether the event can be canceled through setting its denyReason member to a SNMP error status.
      numberOfConsecutiveEventsOfSameOrigin - specifies the total number of events that will are triggered by the same origin at once, for example the number of rows in a table with event type EXISTS, when a listener is added to the table. The count is exclusive this event.
    • MOTableRowEvent

      public MOTableRowEvent(Object source, MOTable<R,? extends MOColumn,? extends MOTableModel<R>> table, R row, MOTableRow preparedChanges, int type, boolean deniable)
      Creates a table row event based on table, row, prepared changes, and type.
      source - the event source.
      table - the table.
      row - the row associated with this event.
      preparedChanges - a row instance containing the prepared changes for row.
      type - the event type.
      deniable - indicates whether the event can be canceled through setting its denyReason member to a SNMP error status.
  • Method Details

    • getRow

      public R getRow()
    • getTable

      public MOTable<R,? extends MOColumn,? extends MOTableModel<R>> getTable()
    • getType

      public int getType()
    • getVetoStatus

      public int getVetoStatus()
      Returns the veto status that revokes the row operation or zero if the row operation is accepted by all listeners.
      a SNMP or sub-agent protocol error status or zero if the row operation is accepted.
    • getPreparedChanges

      public MOTableRow getPreparedChanges()
    • getVetoColumn

      public int getVetoColumn()
    • setVetoStatus

      public void setVetoStatus(int denyReason)
      Sets the veto status that revokes the row operation.
      denyReason - a SNMP error status or a sub-agent protocol specific error status. In any case zero represents no error.
    • setVetoColumn

      public void setVetoColumn(int vetoColumn)
      Sets the column index on whose behalf the veto is issued.
      vetoColumn - a column index.
    • getNumberOfConsecutiveEventsOfSameOrigin

      public int getNumberOfConsecutiveEventsOfSameOrigin()
    • isSendNextEventsOfSameOrigin

      public boolean isSendNextEventsOfSameOrigin()
    • setSendNextEventsOfSameOrigin

      public void setSendNextEventsOfSameOrigin(boolean sendNextEventsOfSameOrigin)
    • getOriginType

      public MOTableRowEvent.OriginType getOriginType()
      Gets the MOTableRowEvent.OriginType of this event.
      the origin type (MOTableRowEvent.OriginType.external or MOTableRowEvent.OriginType.internal) of this event.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class EventObject