Interface SmiCompiler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SmiCompiler
The SmiCompiler provides a simple yet complete interface to check, compile, store, and load MIB files content (i.e., MIB modules).
Frank Fock
  • Method Details

    • compile

      List<CompilationResult> compile(NamedInputStream[] files, CompilationMonitor compilationMonitor, SmiCompiler.TargetMode compilerTargetMode, SmiCompiler.OverwriteMode overwriteMode, SmiCompiler.Strictness strictness) throws IOException
      Compiles an array of text or ZIP files provided as NamedInputStreams. The compilation is executed in three phases:
      1. The provided NamedInputStreams are loaded into memory.
      2. The loaded files are analyzed about their module names and then sorted according to their dependencies to other modules.
      3. The sorted MIB modules will then be compiled and written into the internal MIB repository. In addition, if enabled, the compiled MIB modules will also be loaded into the MIB cache.
      The compilation progress can be monitored by callbacks through the CompilationMonitor interface.
      files - an array of NamedInputStream instances where each instance may represent a text or ZIP file.
      compilationMonitor - an optional CompilationMonitor implementation to monitor the progress of the compilation.
      compilerTargetMode - with the mode SmiCompiler.TargetMode.storeIntoRepositoryAndLoad the compiled MIB modules will not only be stored into the internal MIB repository, but also directly loaded into the MIB cache so that they can be used right after this method call completes. With SmiCompiler.TargetMode.dryRun no modifications to the MIB repository or MIB cache are done and only the result of the syntax check is returned.
      overwriteMode - specifies whether compiled MIB modules will replace existing MIB modules in the MIB repository as well as in the cache with the same module names or not.
      strictness - if SmiCompiler.Strictness.lenient is used then syntax and semantic checks are limited to the necessary minimum. A MIB module that can be successfully parsed in lenient mode may contain severe standard violations and even errors that can affect proper formatting and value parsing support for SNMP4J. Use this option only if you can handle the risk or if you are not able to fix or let fix the errors in the MIB specification(s).
      a List of CompilationResult instances. Each instance represents an input file. For ZIP files, a CompilationResult instance is returned for each ZIP file entry.
      IOException - if any IO operation fails when accessing the input files (InputStreams).