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accessibleForNotify - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Object accesible for notifications only.
addNewOnly - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.OverwriteMode
Only modules that are not yet in the repository are added.
AGENT_CAPABILITIES - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxType
Denotes an APPLICATION syntax as specified by ASN.1
ASCII - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat
Use 7-bit printing with SNMP4JSettings.setDefaultNonPrintableEscapeCharacter(Character) taken into account for non-printable characters (fall-back to SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat.Hexadecimal if no escape character is specified).
asIs - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat
Leaves the non-printable string as it is.


binary - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat
Formats non-printable string to binary representation with ':' as separator.
Binary - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat
Use binary representation with ':' as byte separator character.


checkMinVersionOfDependencies() - Static method in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo
Checks whether SNMP4J has the minimum required version.
com.snmp4j.smi - package com.snmp4j.smi
Provides classes and interfaces for parsing, compiling, loading, and using Management Information Base (MIB) specifications written in Structure of Management Information (SMI) version 1 and 2 with SNMP4J to format and parse SNMP data.
com.snmp4j.smi.util - package com.snmp4j.smi.util
The com.snmp4j.smi.util package contains utility classes to be used in conjunction with the SmiManager class of the com.snmp4j.smi package.
com.snmp4j.smi.version - package com.snmp4j.smi.version
CompilationMonitor - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The CompilationMonitor interface is implemented by classes that are supposed to monitor the progress of a multi MIB file compilation operation of the SmiManager.
compilationProgress(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationMonitor
Notifies about the current compilation progress.
CompilationResult - Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The CompilationResult class holds the MIB module names successfully parsed for each MIB file or the parsing errors that were detected during compilation.
CompilationResult(String, List<String>, List<SmiError>) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Creates new CompilationResult from file name, module names, and SMI error list.
CompilationResult(String, List<String>, List<SmiError>, String) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Creates new CompilationResult from file name, module names, and SMI error list.
compile(NamedInputStream) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Compiles a MIB module from a given InputStream and returns the names of the compiled MIB modules from the stream.
compile(NamedInputStream[], CompilationMonitor, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
compile(NamedInputStream[], CompilationMonitor, SmiCompiler.TargetMode, SmiCompiler.OverwriteMode, SmiCompiler.Strictness) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler
Compiles an array of text or ZIP files provided as NamedInputStreams.
compile(NamedInputStream[], CompilationMonitor, SmiCompiler.TargetMode, SmiCompiler.OverwriteMode, SmiCompiler.Strictness) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
compile(File) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Compiles a MIB module from a given text or ZIP file.
compile(File[], CompilationMonitor, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Compiles an array of text or ZIP files provided as Files.
CONVENTION - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxType
Denotes a TEXTUAL CONVENTION that is defined based on SIMPLE or APPLICATION syntax.
createNewVariable() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectType
Creates a new VariableBinding based on this object type's default value (see SmiObjectType.getDefaultVariable()) or if that is null new variable matching the object type's syntax created with its default constructor.
current - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiStatus
Object status is current.


decimal - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat
Formats non-printable string to decimal representation with '.' as separator.
Decimal - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat
Use decimal representation with '.' as byte separator character.
deleteModule(RepositoryIO) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryDriver
Requests deletion of the MIB module identified by the module name supplied with the RepositoryIO object.
deleteModule(RepositoryIO) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.util.MemRepositoryDriver
deleteModule(String, boolean) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Deletes a MIB module from the MIB repository directory if it is not used/imported by other MIB modules in the repository.
DEPENDENCY_SNMP4J_MAJOR - Static variable in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo
DEPENDENCY_SNMP4J_MINOR - Static variable in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo
DEPENDENCY_SNMP4J_PATCH - Static variable in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo
DEPENDENCY_SNMP4J_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo
deprecated - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiStatus
Object status is deprecated.
dryRun - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.TargetMode
Check for syntax errors only, but do not modify the repository at all.
dryRunWithoutErrorLimit - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.TargetMode
Check for syntax errors only, but do not modify the repository at all.


Enumeration - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement.Type
Integer enumerated value with labels.


findRootSmiObject() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SMI object with the lexicographic smallest OID within the currently loaded MIB modules.
findRootSmiObject(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SMI object with the lexicographic smallest OID within the given loaded MIB module.
findSmiModule(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SmiModule with the specified module name.
findSmiModules(OID) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SmiModule that defines the provided object identifier.
findSmiObject(String, SmiObjectFilter<S>) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SMI object defined for the specified OID.
findSmiObject(String, String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SMI object defined for the specified object name.
findSmiObject(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SMI object defined for the specified object name.
findSmiObject(OID) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SMI object defined for the specified OID.
findSmiObjectType(OID) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SMI object type defined for the specified instance OID.
format(int[]) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
format(OID, Variable, boolean) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
formatForRoundTrip(int[]) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
fromJasmiType(int) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
fromSmiValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Gets the MaxAccess from a MAX-ACCESS (or ACCESS in SMIv1) clause string.


getAccess() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectCompliance
Gets the MIB-ACCESS clause content.
getAsn1Comment() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiImport
Gets the ASN.1 comment associated with this IMPORT element.
getAsn1Comments() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModule
Gets the ASN.1 comments associated with the MODULE-DEFINITION.
getAsn1Comments() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets the ASN.1 comments associated with this SMI object.
getChildren() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets all child objects below this SMI object.
getColumn() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Gets the column where the defective text was found in the text file.
getColumn() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Gets the column where the defective text was found in the text file.
getColumns() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectType
Gets the columnar OBJECT-TYPE definitions for this table.
getComplianceType() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompliance
Gets the type of the compliance definition (GROUP or OBJECT).
getContactInfo() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModuleIdentity
Gets the contact-info clause.
getCreationRequirements() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectVariation
Gets the list of creation requirements.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectType
Gets the DEFVAL clause content if present.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectVariation
Gets the default value.
getDefaultVariable() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectType
Returns the default value returned by SmiObjectType.getDefaultValue() as a Variable instance or null if there is no default value (i.e., no DEFVAL clause).
getDefectiveText() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
The text in the MIB specification that failed to parse.
getDefectiveText() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
The text in the MIB specification that failed to parse.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets the description text of the SMI object.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectCompliance
Gets the DESCRIPTION clause content.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiRevision
Gets the revision description.
getDisplayHint() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat
Gets the DISPLAY-HINT format.
getDisplayHint() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiTextualConvention
Gets the content of the DISPLAY-HINT clause (if present).
getElements() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntax
Gets the syntax elements, i.e.
getElements() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
getEndColumn() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Gets the ending column where the defective text ends in the text file.
getEndColumn() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Gets the ending column where the defective text ends in the text file.
getEndRow() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Gets the bottom row of the defective text in the text file.
getEndRow() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Gets the bottom row of the defective text in the text file.
getErrorList() - Method in exception com.snmp4j.smi.SmiParseException
Gets the list of SmiErrors.
getErrorNumber() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Gets the error code of the error.
getErrorNumber() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Gets the error code of the error.
getExpectedText() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Returns the expected text alternatives identified by the SMI compiler.
getExpectedText() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Returns the expected text alternatives identified by the SMI compiler.
getExplicitlyLoadedModuleNames() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
getFailedFiles(List<CompilationResult>) - Static method in class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Gets the file names from the given CompilationResults which had errors during compilation.
getFileName() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Gets the file name (stream name) of the MIB specification.
getGroupType() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiGroup
Gets the group type.
getImportedObjectNames() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiImport
Gets the list of imported object names from the MIB module specified by SmiImport.getSourceModuleName().
getImports() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModule
Gets the import dependencies of the MIB module (i.e.
getIncludedGroupNames() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSupportedModule
Gets the included group names.
getIndexInfo() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectTypeIndex
Gets the INDEX clause of an OBJECT-TYPE definition used as INDEX element.
getIndexObjects() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectType
Gets the index objects for this table.
getIndexStringFromVariables(OID, List<VariableBinding>) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the INDEX string representations from a list of INDEX objects.
getIndexVariables(OID, OID) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the variable values for all sub-index objects for the specified table entry.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream
Gets the InputStream.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryIO
Gets the input stream to be used to load a compiled MIB module from persistent storage.
getJasmiType() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
getLabel() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement
Gets the label of the enumerated value.
getLastUpdated() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModuleIdentity
Gets the GregorianCalendar representation of the LAST-UPDATE clause.
getLastUpdatedString() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModuleIdentity
Gets the LAST-UPDATED clause.
getLoadedModuleNames() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Returns the MIB module names of the MIB modules loaded into the SmiManager either explicitly by a previous call of SmiManager.loadModule(String) and SmiManager.compile(NamedInputStream[], CompilationMonitor, TargetMode, OverwriteMode, Strictness) with SmiCompiler.TargetMode.storeIntoRepositoryAndLoad or indirectly by imports of directly loaded MIB modules.
getLoadedSmiModules() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Get the SmiModule object for all loaded MIB modules.
getMandatoryGroupNames() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiComplianceModule
Gets the mandatory group names as defined by the MANDATORY-GROUPS clause of this compliance module.
getMandatoryGroups() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiComplianceModule
Gets the mandatory groups defined by this compliance module.
getMax() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement
Gets the maximum value of the range (inclusive).
getMaxAccess() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectType
Gets the maximum access allowed for this MIB OBJECT-TYPE.
getMaxValueLength() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectType
Gets the maximum length (in characters) of a formatted value using the current variable format.
getMessage() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Gets the error message for the error.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Gets the error message for the error.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.snmp4j.smi.SmiParseException
Gets the error message for all errors found in a MIB specification.
getMin() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement
Gets the minimum value of the range (inclusive).
getMinValueLength() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectType
Gets the minimum length (in characters) of a formatted value using the current variable format.
getModuleName() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryIO
Gets the module name of the MIB module to read or write.
getModuleName() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Gets the MIB module name (if available) of the MIB module that contains the error.
getModuleName() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Gets the MIB module name (if available) of the MIB module that contains the error.
getModuleName() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModule
Gets the MODULE name as defined by the MODULE-DEFINITION construct of a SMI specification.
getModuleName() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSupportedModule
Gets the module name.
getModuleNames() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Gets the MIB module names successfully parsed from this MIB specification identified by CompilationResult.getFileName().
getModuleNames(List<CompilationResult>) - Static method in class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Get all MIB module names successfully compiled from the given compilation result list.
getModules() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModuleCompliance
Gets the MODULE-COMPLIANCE module definitions.
getName() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream
Gets the name of the input stream.
getName() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompliance
Gets the name of the SMI object for which this clause defines compliance statements.
getObjectCompliances() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiComplianceModule
Gets the object compliance specifications for this module as defined by the OBJECT constructs.
getObjectIdentifiers(OIDComparator.OIDOrder) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModule
Gets the list of object identifiers defined by this MIB module in depth-first or breadth-first order.
getObjectName() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets the OBJECT-NAME of the SMI object.
getObjectNames() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiGroup
Gets the object names in the group.
getObjectNames() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModule
Gets the list of object names assigned to an OID in order of appearance in the MIB specification.
getObjectNames() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiNotificationType
Return the object names of the notification payload as defined by the OBJECTS (SMIv2) or VARIABLES (SMIv1 TRAP-TYPE) clause.
getObjects() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiNotificationType
Gets the object definitions from the OBJECTS clause
getOctetStringDisplayHint() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the current OCTET STRING default display format.
getOID() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets the object-identifier of the SMI object (if present).
getOidFixedLengthStringQuote() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the quote character for fixed length formatted sub-index OIDs.
getOidFixedLengthStringQuoteEscapeSequence() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the sequence to escape character sequence for fixed length formatted sub-index OID quotes.
getOidFormat() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
getOidFormatNonPrintableStrings() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat for strings in formatted OIDs.
getOidStringQuoteEscapeCharacter() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the OID string escape character for quotes.
getOidVariableLengthStringQuote() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the quote character for variable length formatted sub-index OIDs.
getOidVariableLengthStringQuoteEscapeSequence() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Gets the sequence to escape character sequence for variable length formatted sub-index OID quotes.
getOrganization() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModuleIdentity
Gets the organization clause.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryIO
Gets the output stream to write the MIB module.
getParent() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets the parent object for this SMI object.
getPosition() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Gets the byte position in the input stream where the defective text starts.
getPosition() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Gets the byte position in the input stream where the defective text starts.
getProductRelease() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAgentCapabilities
Gets the product release clause.
getRadix() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat
Gets the radix for the non-printable string format.
getReference() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets the REFERENCE clause content of the SMI object.
getResolvedDisplayHint() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntax
Returns the DISPLAY-HINT clause of the TEXTUAL-CONVENTION referenced by this syntax of type SmiSyntaxType.CONVENTION.
getResolvedDisplayHint() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
getResolvedSyntax() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntax
Returns the resolved syntax.
getResolvedSyntax() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
getRevision() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiRevision
Gets the date and time (including time zone and with minutes precision) of the MIB module revision.
getRevisions() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModuleIdentity
Gets the SmiRevisions of this MIB module.
getRevisionString() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiRevision
Gets the revision data and time as UTC string.
getRow() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Gets the row where the defective text was found in the text file.
getRow() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Gets the row where the defective text was found in the text file.
getSeparator() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat
Gets the separator between bytes of the non-printable string format.
getShortMessage() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Gets the error message for the error in a short form, without error number and location information.
getShortMessage() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiErrorInfo
Gets the error message for the error in a short form, without error number and location information.
getSmiErrorList() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Gets a List of SmiError instances describing the SMI syntax and semantic errors encountered in the MIB specification identified by CompilationResult.getFileName().
getSmiModuleDefinition() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModule
Gets the SMI MIB module text including all objects and ASN.1 comments within the MIB module.
getSmiSyntax() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets the SMI syntax as defined by SMIConstants for this OBJECT-TYPE.
getSmiSyntax() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiValueType
Gets the SMI syntax as defined by SMIConstants for this value type.
getSmiValue() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Gets the MAX-ACCESS (or ACCESS in SMIv1) clause string.
getSourceFilename() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModule
Gets the file name (without path but with extension) of the MIB specification source file from which this MIB module was compiled.
getSourceModuleName() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiImport
Gets the MIB module name of the IMPORT source (i.e.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets the STATUS clause content of the SMI object.
getSupportedModules() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAgentCapabilities
Gets the list of supported modules.
getSyntax() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectCompliance
Gets the SYNTAX of the OBJECT compliance clause.
getSyntax() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntax
Returns the BER syntax identifier for the simple of application type this syntax is based on.
getSyntax() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
getSyntax() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiValueType
getSyntaxClause() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntax
Returns the value of the syntax clause.
getSyntaxClause() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
getTableEntry() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiIndexInfo
Gets the table entry object type definition that is index info is based on.
getTextualConventionNames() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiModule
Gets the list of object names not assigned to an OID in order of appearance in the MIB specification.
getType() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObject
Gets the SMI type of the SMI object.
getType() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntax
Returns the type of syntax clause.
getType() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement
Gets the enumeration type
getType() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
getUnits() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectType
Gets the content of the UNITS clause (if present).
getValue() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement
Gets the long value of the enumerated value (or the min value of a range restriction).
getVariations() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSupportedModule
Gets the list of SmiObjectVariations.
getVersion() - Static method in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo
Gets the version string for this release.
getWriteSyntax() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectCompliance
Gets the WRITE-SYNTAX of the OBJECT compliance clause.
getZipFileName() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Returns the file name of the enclosing ZIP file (if present).
getZipFormat() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream
Gets the compression format of the stream.
GroupCompliance - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiComplianceType


hasErrors() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Returns true if the compilation result contains detected SMI errors.
hasErrors(List<CompilationResult>) - Static method in class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
Returns true if the list of compilation results contains at least one detected SMI error.
hex - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat
Formats non-printable string to hexadecimal representation with ':' as separator.
Hexadecimal - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat
Use hexadecimal representation with ':' as byte separator character.


isAccessible() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Checks if this SmiObject is accessible or not.
isCreatable() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Checks if this SmiObject is read-create or not.
isEnumeration() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntax
Indicates whether this SYNTAX clause is an enumeration.
isEnumeration() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
isImplemented() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Checks if this SmiObject is implemented or not.
isIncludeUnknownErrorsCause() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Returns the flag that controls whether exceptions or other unknown error messages during parsing and storing of MIB modules to the repository should be included in the error message or not.
isModuleDeleted() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryIO
Indicates whether the deletion of the MIB module specified by the module name of this event object was successfully completed.
isModuleLoaded(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Checks if the MIB module with the specified name is already loaded into the SmiManager from disk.
isReadOnly() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Checks if this SmiObject is read-only or not.
isStoreFilenamesInRepository() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Checks a system property that controls whether the MIB compiler will store the file names of the MIB files into the repository when a MIB module is compiled or not.
isWritable() - Method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Checks if this SmiObject is read-write or not.


lenient - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.Strictness
Tries to ignore most of the SMI standard violations.
listModuleNames() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryDriver
Enumerates the available MIB module names in the repository.
listModuleNames() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.util.MemRepositoryDriver
listModules() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Returns the MIB module names of the MIB modules available in the repository directory.
loadingProgress(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationMonitor
Notifies about the current loading (IO) progress.
loadModule(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Loads a MIB module from disk (MIB repository) into memory.


MAJOR - Static variable in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo
MemRepositoryDriver - Class in com.snmp4j.smi.util
MemRepositoryDriver is a RepositoryDriver which stores all MIB modules in memory.
MemRepositoryDriver() - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.util.MemRepositoryDriver
MIB - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat
Use the MIB's DISPLAY-HINT clause if present and then the ASCII representation with taking SNMP4JSettings.setDefaultNonPrintableEscapeCharacter(Character) into acount.
MINOR - Static variable in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo
MODULE_COMPLIANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
MODULE_IDENTITY - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType


NameAndNumber - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OIDFormat
According to ITU-T X.680 the object identifier is formatted like the number format but for each number also the corresponding object name is provided and the number is enclosed in braces.
NamedInputStream - Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The NamedInputStream class represents an input stream with a name to identify the stream.
NamedInputStream(File) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream
Creates a NamedInputStream from the specified file.
NamedInputStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream
Creates a NamedInputStream from an InputStream and an identifying name.
NamedInputStream(InputStream, String, NamedInputStream.ZipFormat) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream
Creates a NamedInputStream from an InputStream and an identifying name.
NamedInputStream.ZipFormat - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
A supported ZIP file format
none - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream.ZipFormat
Plain text file without compression
notAccessible - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Not acessible object.
NOTIFICATION_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiGroupType
A NOTIFICATION-GROUP object group type.
NOTIFICATION_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
NOTIFICATION_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
notImplemented - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Not implemented object.
Numbers - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OIDFormat
Formats the OID as dotted number string, e.g.


OBJECT_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiGroupType
A OBJECT-GROUP object group type.
OBJECT_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
OBJECT_IDENTITY - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
OBJECT_NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
OBJECT_TYPE_COLUMN - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
OBJECT_TYPE_SCALAR - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
OBJECT_TYPE_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
OBJECT_TYPE_TABLE_ENTRY - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
ObjectCompliance - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiComplianceType
ObjectNameAndDecodedIndex - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OIDFormat
Formats the OID as combination of object (last) name and a formatted index, e.g.
ObjectNameAndDecodedIndex4RoundTrip - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OIDFormat
Fully formats the OID as object (last) name of (sub)index values.
ObjectNameNumIndex - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OIDFormat
Formats the OID as combination of object (last) name and a numeric index, e.g.
obsolete - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiStatus
Objct status is obsolete.
octal - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat
Formats non-printable string to octal representation with ':' as separator.
overwriteAlways - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.OverwriteMode
Add any new and overwrite any existing modules.
overwriteIfNewer - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.OverwriteMode
Add new modules and overwrite existing if the new module has a newer LAST-UPDATED data and time in their MODULE-IDENTITY.


parse(int, String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
parse(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
parse(OID, String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
parseVariableBinding(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
passesFilter(SmiType) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectFilter
Determines if the given SmiType generally passes this filter.
passesFilter(S) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiObjectFilter
Determines if the supplied smiObject passes the filter or not.
PATCH - Static variable in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo


Range - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement.Type
Value range enumeration.
readCreate - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Object is read-write accessible and creatable via SNMP.
readModule(RepositoryIO) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryDriver
Requests to read a MIB module with the name specified in the supplied event object.
readModule(RepositoryIO) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.util.MemRepositoryDriver
readOnly - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Object is read-only.
readWrite - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Object is read-write accessible - creation is not supported via SNMP SET.
RepositoryDriver - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The RepositoryDriver adapts between the SmiManager and the (persistent) storage that holds the compiled MIB modules.
RepositoryIO - Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The RepositoryIO class is used to return the InputStream or OutputStream instances provided by a RepositoryDriver instance to read or store a compiled MIB module from/into persistent storage.
RepositoryIO(Object, String) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryIO
Creates an RepositoryEvent to load or store a given MIB module.
resetOidQuoting() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Resets the OID quotation characters and escape sequences to the default (which is highly recommended to be used).


SEQUENCE - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxType
Denotes a SEQUENCE syntax used for defining tables.
setIncludeUnknownErrorsCause(boolean) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the flag that controls whether exceptions or other unknown error messages during parsing and storing of MIB modules to the repository should be included in the error message or not.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryIO
Sets the InputStream to be used to load a compiled MIB module from persistent storage.
setModuleDeleted(boolean) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryIO
Sets the flag that indicates whether a MIB module has been successfully removed from persistent storage.
setOctetStringDisplayHint(SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the display format for OctetString values as defined by the enumeration SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat.
setOidFixedLengthStringQuote(char) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the quote character for fixed length formatted sub-index OIDs.
setOidFixedLengthStringQuoteEscapeSequence(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the sequence to escape character sequence for fixed length formatted sub-index OID quotes.
setOidFormat(SmiManager.OIDFormat) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the SmiManager.OIDFormat to be used to render object identifiers.
setOidFormatNonPrintableStrings(SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat for strings in formatted OIDs.
setOidStringQuoteEscapeCharacter(char) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the OID string escape character for quotes.
setOidVariableLengthStringQuote(char) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the quote character for variable length formatted sub-index OIDs.
setOidVariableLengthStringQuoteEscapeSequence(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the sequence to escape character sequence for variable length formatted sub-index OID quotes.
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryIO
Sets the output stream to write a MIB module with the given name to the repository.
setSmiErrorTextResourceBundle(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets the class name of the custom resource bundle for SMI error texts.
setStoreFilenamesInRepository(boolean) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Sets a system property that controls whether the MIB compiler will store the file names of the MIB files into the repository when a MIB module is compiled.
SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxType
Denotes a SIMPLE syntax, for example INTEGER, OCTET STRING, etc.
SmiAccess - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiMaxAccess enumerates the ACCESS values of SMIv2 for MODULE-COMPLIANCE and AGENT-CAPABILITIES statements, including the deprecated SmiAccess.writeOnly for backward-compatibility.
SmiAgentCapabilities - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiAgentCapabilities interface represents a SMIv2 AGENT-CAPABILITIES statement.
SmiCompiler - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiCompiler provides a simple yet complete interface to check, compile, store, and load MIB files content (i.e., MIB modules).
SmiCompiler.OverwriteMode - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The OverwriteMode defines whether existing MIB modules should be overwritten or not.
SmiCompiler.Strictness - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The Strictness defines the number of syntax checks done on the sources.
SmiCompiler.TargetMode - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The TargetMode defines the target for the compiled MIB modules.
SmiCompliance - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiGroupCompliance interface represents the GROUP or OBJECT clause of a MODULE-COMPLIANCE statement in SMIv2.
SmiComplianceModule - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiComplianceModule interface defines the attributes for the "Module" element of the SMIv2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro.
SmiComplianceType - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiComplianceType distinguishes between GROUP and OBJECT compliance definitions in MODULE-COMPLIANCE statements.
SmiError - Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiError class represents a syntax or semantic error in a SMI specification file.
SmiError(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
Creates a SmiError from error location and description information.
SmiErrorInfo - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiErrorInfo interface represents a syntax or semantic error in a SMI specification file.
SmiGroup - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiGroup represents a SMI OBJECT-GROUP or NOTIFICATION-GROUP object.
SmiGroupType - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The enumeration SmiGroupType distinguishes the type of a SMI group.
SmiImport - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiImport represents an element within the IMPORTS construct of a SMIv1 or SMv2 MIB module.
SmiIndexInfo - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiIndexInfo interface represents the meta information of a SMI INDEX clause element which are relevant for converting an OID index value to an INDEX object and vice versa.
SmiManager - Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiManager Pro class manages the Structure of Management Information (SMI) specifications.
SmiManager(String, RepositoryDriver) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Creates a SmiManager that provides the MIB information to SNMP4J through implementations of the OIDTextFormat and VariableTextFormat interfaces.
SmiManager(String, File) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Creates a SmiManager that provides the MIB information to SNMP4J through implementations of the OIDTextFormat and VariableTextFormat interfaces.
SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
Defines the format for non-printable strings in formatted object identifiers (OIDs).
SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The default formats to be applied for displaying OctetStrings.
SmiManager.OIDFormat - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The OIDFormat defines the formatting of OID values.
SmiModule - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiModule represents a SMIv1 or SMIv2 MIB MODULE-DEFINITION.
SmiModuleCompliance - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiModuleCompliance interface defines the attributes of the SMIv2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro.
SmiModuleIdentity - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiModule represents a SMIv2 MODULE-IDENTITY.
SmiNotificationType - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiNotificationType interface extends the SmiObject by attributes specific to the SMI NOTIFICATION-TYPE and TRAP-TYPE constructs, for example the OBJECTS clause.
SmiObject - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiObject interface represents the SMI information of a MIB object.
SmiObjectCompliance - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiObjectVariation interface defines the attributes that are included in MODULE-COMPLIANCE module parts (SmiComplianceModule) OBJECT clause and is also used in the AGENT-CAPABILITIES module section.
SmiObjectFilter<S extends SmiObject> - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiObjectFilter can be used to filter SmiObjects according to self defined criteria.
SmiObjectType - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiObjectType interface extends the SmiObject by attributes specific to the SMI OBJECT-TYPE construct, i.e.
SmiObjectTypeIndex - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiObjectTypeIndex represents an OBJECT-TYPE definition that is used as an INDEX element for a table.
SmiObjectVariation - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiObjectVariation interface defines the attributes for the object variation part of an AGENT-CAPABILITIES statement.
SmiParseException - Exception in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiParseException provides information about violations of the Structure of Management Information (SMI) v1 or v2 standards.
SmiParseException(List<SmiError>) - Constructor for exception com.snmp4j.smi.SmiParseException
Creates a SmiParseException from a list of SmiErrors.
SmiRevision - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiRevision represents the REVISION clause of a SMIv2 MODULE-IDENTITY construct.
SmiStatus - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiStatus enumerates the values of the SMIv1 and v2 STATUS clause.
SmiSupportedModule - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiSupportedModule interface represents a SMIv2 MODULE clause of the AGENT-CAPABILITIES statement.
SmiSyntax - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiSyntax represents the SYNTAX clause of OBJECT-TYPE or TEXTUAL-CONVENTION SMI constructs.
SmiSyntaxElement - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiSyntaxElement represents a enumerated value or a range restriction.
SmiSyntaxElement.Type - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The type of enumerated value.
SmiSyntaxImpl - Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiSyntaxImpl class represents the attributes of a SMI SYNTAX clause.
SmiSyntaxImpl(String, SmiSyntaxType, int, List<SmiSyntaxElement>) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
Creates a SYNTAX implementation from clause and sub-elements.
SmiSyntaxImpl(String, SmiSyntaxType, int, List<SmiSyntaxElement>, SmiSyntax, String) - Constructor for class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
Creates a SYNTAX implementation from clause and sub-elements.
SmiSyntaxType - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiSyntaxType identifies one of four SYNTAX clause types of OBJECT-TYPE or TEXTUAL-CONVENTION SMI constructs.
SmiTextualConvention - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiTextualConvention represents the SMIv2 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION and the SMIv1 type assignment construct.
SmiType - Enum Class in com.snmp4j.smi
The SmiType defines the SMI construct (for example OBJECT-TYPE) that defined the SMI object.
SmiValueType - Interface in com.snmp4j.smi
Ths SmiValueType interface abstracts the common element of the OBJECT-TYPE and the TEXTUAL-CONVENTION SMI constructs.
sortingProgress(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationMonitor
Notifies about the current sorting progress.
standard - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.Strictness
The recommended mode with full SMI(v1/v2) standard checks.
storeIntoRepositoryAndLoad - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.TargetMode
Update the persistent repository and the memory cache.
storeIntoRepositoryNoLoad - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.TargetMode
Check and update the persistent repository on the but do not actually load any MIB modules.


TEXTUAL_CONVENTION - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
tokenizeQuotedString(String, String, char, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Tokenize a string by a delimiter string but do not split quoted strings with the supplied quote characters.
toString() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.CompilationResult
toString() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream
toString() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiError
toString() - Method in exception com.snmp4j.smi.SmiParseException
toString() - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement
toString() - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxImpl
TRAP_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType


unloadModule(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Unload a MIB module from the SmiManager memory.
unloadModuleWithDependencies(String) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager
Unload a MIB module from the SmiManager memory, including all its dependencies that are not needed by other loaded MIB modules.
UPDATE - Static variable in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream.ZipFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.OverwriteMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.Strictness
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.TargetMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiComplianceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiGroupType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OIDFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream.ZipFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.OverwriteMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.Strictness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiCompiler.TargetMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiComplianceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiGroupType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.NonPrintableStringFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OctetStringDefaultFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiManager.OIDFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxElement.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiSyntaxType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Variation - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiComplianceType
VARIATION represents an AGENT-CAPABILITIES object variation clause.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.snmp4j.smi.version.VersionInfo
VersionInfo - Class in com.snmp4j.smi.version
The VersionInfo object returns information about the version of this SNMP4J release.


writeModule(RepositoryIO) - Method in interface com.snmp4j.smi.RepositoryDriver
Requests to write a MIB module with the name specified in the supplied event object.
writeModule(RepositoryIO) - Method in class com.snmp4j.smi.util.MemRepositoryDriver
writeOnly - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.SmiAccess
Object is write-only (deprecated in SMIv2)


ZIP - Enum constant in enum class com.snmp4j.smi.NamedInputStream.ZipFormat
ZIP format compressed archive of plain text files
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