Trouble building Agent++ on NT

Jochen Katz
Tue Dec 5 21:23:56 CET 2000


> After having read all of the mailing list archives, I am still having
> trouble building Agent++ for Windows NT in VC++ 6. I'm using SNMP++ 3.0j and
> Agent++ 3.4.1a. Specifically, I am getting the following link error:
> snmp_pp_ext.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl
> convertVbToSmival(class Vb &,struct SmiVALUE *)"
> (?convertVbToSmival@@YAHAAVVb@@PAUSmiVALUE@@@Z)

please add the following line to snmp++/include/snmpmsg.h:

DLLOPT int convertVbToSmival( Vb&, SmiVALUE* );

and delete in agent++/src/snmp_pp_ext.cpp the lines

// imported from snmpmsg.cpp
int convertVbToSmival(Vb&, SmiVALUE*);
void freeSmivalDescriptor(SmiVALUE *);

This should fix the linking problem.

Best regards,

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