How do I add a second trap recipient?

Frank Fock
Wed Dec 6 22:27:13 CET 2000

Hi Al,

It's a bug in the add_v1_trap method of NotificationOriginator.
Change it as follows and it will work (this fix will be part of the
next update of AGENT++):

boolean NotificationOriginator::add_v1_trap_destination(const UdpAddress& addr)
 OctetStr name("defaultV1Trap");
 OctetStr tag("v1trap");
 OctetStr address;
 IpAddress ip(addr);
 for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
  address += (unsigned char)ip[i];
 address += (addr.get_port() >> 8);
 address += (addr.get_port() & 0x00FF);

 if (snmpTargetParamsEntry::instance->add_entry(name, // row index
             0,    // mpModel
             1,    // securityModel
             "public", // secName
             1)) { // secLevel
     snmpNotifyEntry::instance->add_entry(name, // row index
       tag,  // tag
       1);   // type (trap)
 if (snmpTargetAddrEntry::instance->
  add_entry(UdpAddress(addr).get_printable(), // row index  <-- THE CHANGE
     Oidx(""),    // UDP domain
     address,                  // target address
     tag,                      // tag
     name))                   // params entry
  return TRUE;
 return FALSE;

Best regards,

"Vasay, Al" wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> How do I add a second trap recipient? I can send a trap to "" by doing the following:
> Vbx* vbs = 0;
> coldStartOid coldOid;
> NotificationOriginator no;
> UdpAddress dest(""); // Specify trap recipient
> no.add_v1_trap_destination(dest);
> no.generate(vbs, 0, coldOid, "", "");
> But how do I send the trap to "" and ""?
> I was looking at the notification_originator.cpp and learned that it's adding the IP Address to the targetParamsEntry, snmpNotifyEntry and snmpTargetAddrEntry tables whenever I call NotificationOriginator::add_v1_trap_destination.  So, I thought that I can add the second recipient by doing the following:
> Vbx* vbs = 0;
> coldStartOid coldOid;
> NotificationOriginator no;
> UdpAddress dest(""); // Specify trap recipient
> no.add_v1_trap_destination(dest);
> UdpAddress dest2(""); // Add second recipient
> no.add_v1_trap_destination(dest2);
> no.generate(vbs, 0, coldOid, "", "");
> But it didn't work.  The trap got sent only to "". What should I be doing?
> Thanks,
> Al Vasay

Frank Fock - AGENT++
Fax: +49 7195 177108

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