some suggestion

Thu Jan 27 09:38:03 CET 2000

Hello Agent++ Users:

      1.From  the  hierarchy  and the comment of class Mib,that Mib is
      mainly  used to process request.but generally a Mib used in real
      work  is  used like a database,the current Mib class has methods
      to  register  Mib  Object  but  no public method to retrive them
      again,it may act like a black hole to eat all the mib object and
      no  way  out,as  I  suggest the find method should be public and
      more find/search method should provide for this purpose.

      2.during   compilation   of   agent++,if   with  gcc  and  -Wall
      options,thousans warning of unused argument killed my screen and
      that's  too  bad.when  using  agent++  every time I include some
      agent++  header the warning of unused argument also make me hard
      to find the error msg about my code.can you fix all these unused
      argument   I   am   using  another  library  named
      ACE(Adaptive  Communication Enviroment),they handle with a macro
      like following:

// Keep the compiler from complaining about parameters which are not used.
# if defined (ghs) || defined (__GNUC__) || defined (__hpux) || defined (__sgi) || defined (DEC_CXX) || defined (__KCC) || defined (__rational__) || (__USLC__)
// Some compilers complain about "statement with no effect" with (a).
// This eliminates the warnings, and no code is generated for the null
// conditional statement.  NOTE: that may only be true if -O is enabled,
// such as with GreenHills (ghs) 1.8.8.
#   define ACE_UNUSED_ARG(a) {if (&a) /* null */ ;}
# else
#   define ACE_UNUSED_ARG(a) (a)
# endif /* ghs */

Best Regards
                               mailto:javalist at

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