AgentX support

Frank Fock
Mon Jul 17 16:37:57 CEST 2000 wrote:
> However, I notice that the 'subagent2' binary works against the UCD agent
> (when
> I walk . I get three oids back), but the 'subagent' binary
> does not.
> They both work with the agentX++ master agent. I'll keep playing with it.

The subagent example does not implement the ATM MIB, thus it is ok
that it does not return any oids below . Instead it
should return some strange OIDs after MIBII (strange because they are in 
the within IETF tree - which I know is illegal, but I wanted to test it 

> Also, I compared the behaviour of the subagent atm_mib with the original
> agent++ example running as a stand-alone agent, and that gives the same
> result,
> but needed a slight fix to compile - gcc complains about the use of an
> snmp_community_mib in agent.cpp which doesn't exist if SNMPv3 is not
> defined. Needs
> a #ifdef :-)

These erratas in the examples are already fixed in AGENT++v3.4i which
will be available very soon...

Best regards,

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