Enabeling/destroying rows in tables

helge.fredriksen____4tel.no helge.fredriksen____4tel.no
Fri Jun 9 15:18:04 CEST 2000

I have a problem with tables in agent3.4++
I previously used to say something like
snmpset "TableOIDnumber".256.1.11 i 5
where 256 is my RowStatus column, 1.11 is the label of the new row, and the
value 5 is set to say CreateAndWait.
This works as before (agent3.3).
But when I try to enable the row, setting
snmpset "TableOIDnumber".256.1.11 i 1
where 1 is the "ready"-flag for this row, I get the answer WrongValue from
the agent? 
Similarly saying
snmpset "TableOIDnumber".256.1.11 i 6 
to destroy the row is also not allowed? What has changed??? 
It seems that only the value 5 is allowed now.
Helge.Fredriksen at 4tel.no <mailto:Helge.Fredriksen at 4tel.no> 
System developer, EDB 4tel, 8002 BODØ, NORWAY
Tel: 75 51 24 82 (direct line), 75 51 24 00 (switchboard)
Fax: 75 51 24 01
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