method to set mgr_addr to other than 162?

Jochen Katz
Thu Jun 15 18:12:50 CEST 2000


> I've been successful in compiling and using the v2.8a and v3.0d libraries
> but is there a way to set the port for trap reception to other than 162? I
> see where it's #defined.

in snmp++v3.0d you can use the static method
CNotifyEventQueue::set_listen_port(int port); to set the trap listen
port. Call this method before calling Snmp::notify_register(...).

For v2.8a you will have to change the #define (perhaps to a global
variable), so you're able to set it when your manager starts.

After the first call to Snmp::notify_register(...) the port can't be

Best regards,

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