Questions regarding AgentX++
Fri Sep 1 20:39:12 CEST 2000

I am evaluating SNMP products for our usage and would be interested
in the answers to the following questions:

1)  I see that TCP is being used by AgentX++.  I assume that is for the
Sub Agent <----> Master Agent communication.  Does your product support
TCP communication to the Master Agent (from the NMS) ?
(I realize that that is not "true" SNMP, but other products do support it.)

2)  I am interested in integrating an SNMP Sub Agent into our existing
daemons.  However, our product line has exacting timing requirements.
Do any of Agent++, SNMP++ or AgentX++ involve multi-threading ?
Polling in a small loop ?
Ideally, I would like to add your File Descriptor to our select loop for
processing.  Would that be practical ?

3)  I have not written any C++.  Our code is in C.  I understand the history
and relationship between C and C++.  Would you know if integrating the
C++ libraries would cause my daemons any undue memory or CPU
usage issues ?

Thanks so very much.


Jay Riddell
Enron Broadband Switching Systems                  Jay_Riddell at

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