v3 tool commands

Jochen Katz katz____agentpp.com
Tue Apr 17 20:57:59 CEST 2001


> including v3. I can successfully do mib walks and
> use snmpGet, the tools included with snmp++, but only with
> snmp versions 1 and 2.
> What is the syntax to
> (1) set up a new user in V3 from the command line or agent code
> and (2) the syntax used in an snmpGet -v3 command?

for command line, see the attached file; for agent code, see the
examples of agent++.

Best regards,
-------------- next part --------------
# Note: - is the Oid
#         encoding of the engineID. Replace with the right value  
#       - User MD5 must not exist
#       - Access entries for user MD5 must exist 

# UCD-snmp version: 4.1.1
# Create a new row for user MD5
snmpset -v3 -p 4700 -l authNoPriv -u MD5DES -a MD5 -A MD5DESUserAuthPassword -x DES -X MD5DESUserPrivPassword localhost snmpModules.\"MD5\" i 5

# Set clone from of user MD5 to MD5DES
snmpset -v3 -p 4700 -l authNoPriv -u MD5DES -a MD5 -A MD5DESUserAuthPassword -x DES -X MD5DESUserPrivPassword localhost snmpModules.\"MD5\" o .

# make row active
snmpset -v3 -p 4700 -l authNoPriv -u MD5DES -a MD5 -A MD5DESUserAuthPassword -x DES -X MD5DESUserPrivPassword localhost snmpModules.\"MD5\" i 1

# change auth password of user MD5 
# to chane priv password change 
#   KeyChange(&snmp, pduKeyChange, newUser, newPassword, *target, AUTHKEY);
# to 
#   KeyChange(&snmp, pduKeyChange, newUser, newPassword, *target, PRIVKEY);
# iin snmpPasswd.cpp
../../../../snmp++/consoleExamples/snmpPasswd  localhost MD5 testingtesting -v3 -p4700 -snMD5 -md5 -des -uaMD5DESUserAuthPassword -upMD5DESUserPrivPassword

# test
../../../../snmp++/consoleExamples/snmpNext  localhost 1.3 -v3 -v3 -p4700 -snMD5 -md5 -des -uatestingtesting -upMD5DESUserPrivPassword

# with snmp++ consoleExamples

#create new row
snmpSet2   localhost -v3 -p4700 -snMD5DES -md5 -des -uaMD5DESUserAuthPassword -upMD5DESUserPrivPassword
New value (two times): 5

# clone
snmpSet   localhost -v3 -p4700 -snMD5DES -md5 -des -uaMD5DESUserAuthPassword -upMD5DESUserPrivPassword
New value:

# activate
snmpSet   localhost -v3 -p4700 -snMD5DES -md5 -des -uaMD5DESUserAuthPassword -upMD5DESUserPrivPassword
New value: 1

# change auth password
snmpPasswd  localhost MD5 testingtesting -v3 -p4700 -snMD5 -md5 -des -uaMD5DESUserAuthPassword -upMD5DESUserPrivPassword

# test
snmpNext  localhost 1.3 -v3 -v3 -p4700 -snMD5 -md5 -des -uatestingtesting -upMD5DESUserPrivPassword

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