Some Question

Mauro Restante
Wed Apr 18 11:20:34 CEST 2001

Hi to all,

I try to implement Disman-Schedule-Mib Table Entry.
This Table have two Index. I follow some suggestion that I found on the
mailing list archive.
I concatenate the OID of the two sub indexes, but I don't understand how it
is encoded.
In the Mib.h file there is some suggestion about it:

Is this correct?

>>>>>>	schedEntry* schedTable=new schedEntry();
>>>>>>	printf("funzioni\n");
>>>>>>	Oidx OwnerIndex="2.65.66";//	INDEX1: if I understand correctly, this
mean that the string has size of 2
>>>>>>					//	and the other element is the ACSII encoded of 2 characters.
>>>>>>	Oidx DescrIndex="1.68";//	INDEX2
>>>>>>	Oidx SchedIndex= OwnerIndex;
>>>>>>	SchedIndex+=DescrIndex;//	index concatenated
>>>>>>	MibTableRow* r=schedTable->instance->add_row(SchedIndex);//Add new
row in the table
>>>>>>	//now I put some value in the table.
>>>>>>	schedTable->instance->set_row(r, "Mauro",99999, "pluto", "77777","
restante", "vimodrone", "milano", >>>>>> 		"ceriel", "pippo", 66666, 55555,
44444, 33333, 22222, 11111, "goofy", 00000, 5);

In this way the manager find the index "" and I able to set any
parameters of the table.

Is correct that can't make a GET-REQUEST on the INDEX?

In this case how I can set this parameter from the Manager?

I should able to create new row of the table from manager!

I think that there is something wrong.
Can someone suggest me something to go ahead???

Best regards

Mauro Restante


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