SOS ---- Build under Win32

Bettendorf, Cristian
Thu Aug 16 10:08:13 CEST 2001

use snmp++ 3.1.1

use snmp++ first as static lib, here are some changes to do if you want to
use snmp++ as DLL

rgs cristian

-----Original Message-----
From: 常磊 []
Sent: Donnerstag, 16. August 2001 09:42
Subject: SOS ---- Build under Win32


I have done with the Snmp++ package for win32, but i can not compile the
agent++ with the new package snmp++28a under win32. It seems that the
implement of class Snmp in file uxsnmp.cpp is only for Unix_like OS. 
How can I compile it under Win32? thanks.   

            Lake Charles
            still3stone at

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