New Releases of MIB Designer & AgentGen

Frank Fock
Sun Jan 21 00:55:51 CET 2001

MIB Designer v1.01

MIB Designer v1.01 has been released. It includes a couple
of major bug fixes and new functions. Thus, upgrading to v1.01
is highly recommended.

The newly added JASMI (Java SMI API) allows MIB Designer
users to write Java programs that make use of SMI information.
Please see the MIB Designer web site for details:

Release notes:
- Added: SMI MIB compiler API. Allows compiling and exploring of MIBs.
- Fixed: SMI compiler now checks UTC time format (MODULE-IDENTITY).
  Generated UTC time has now 4 digits for year.
- Fixed: Adding INDEX failed when creating a new table.
- Fixed: Newly added columns of a table did not show up in selection box

  for INDEX columns.
- Fixed: Opening Preferences or Refreshing the tree view destroyed
- Fixed: Error text highlighting.
- Added: SYNTAX editor: Enumerations and Ranges are in the same order
  are viewed. Thus, the order can be modified by clicking on the column
- Fixed: MIB module selection boxes did not show modules by order of

AgentGen v1.4.3 Standard & Professional

AgentGen v1.4.3 has been released which comes with a few bug
fixes and handling improvements. Additionally, an AgentGen Pro
license now includes a limited license for JASMI (see above).

Release notes:
* Added: Java SMI API which allows the user to explore MIBs
* Fixed: NullPointerException when loading a MIB list into the MIB
  with AgentGen Standard.
* Added: UTC time format checking for MODULE-IDENTITY constructs.
* Added: With File/Load MIBs now also all files within a directory
  may be added to a MIB repository.
* Improved: File selection boxes.

Frank Fock - AGENT++
Fax: +49 7195 177108

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