Using standard UDP port 161 with Agent ++ does not work on my Linux computer

Günter Dannoritzer
Wed Mar 21 14:23:34 CET 2001


I tried to run an agent with the standard SNMP port UDP 161 on my SUSE 6.3 Linux computer and the agent canceled with the following error message.

usr1 at Stillwater:~/agent++/examples/atm_mib/src > agent 161
20010315.17:01:41: 01165: (0)ERROR  : main: SNMP port init failed: (-22).

With UDP port 4700 the agent runs just fine.

I have a, what I think, similar problem with the trap receiver example that comes with SNMP++. When I start the trap receiver it cancels with the error message "Transport in use"

My first guess was that there is already a program running on my computer that uses the UDP ports 161 or 162. So I run netstat -a, but the two ports didn't show up.

Does the error message of the agent means the same as the one I get from the trap receiver example of SNMP++?

What do I have to do in order to allow the agent to access port 161?

Thanks for your help.


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