cannot do SNMPv3 set

Lukasz Szczepankowski
Fri Nov 30 23:58:04 CET 2001

Ever since I upgraded to snmp++v3.1.4a and agent++v3.5h I have been unable
to perform set operations.  Gets work just fine, and I can also walk the
mib, but I am not able to change any values (even though snmpSet returns
SUCCESS as status on the set).  I am using SNMPv3 with both authentication
and privacy.

When I try to use the snmpSet (from consoleExamples, and having snmp
compiled with debugging), I get a number of error messages.

Here are some of these messages (generated by the agent):
ErrorCode is 0
Parsing contextEngineID with length = 0x0
Parsing contextName with length = 0xa
mp: received request message with zero length contextEngineID ->
mpAddToCache: adding entry[0], msgID = 0xe0003, reqID = 0x3eb
mpSendReport: Sending report message.
ASN parse error (asn length too long)
mpParseScopedPDU: bad header in scopedPDU.
mp: Error while trying to parse  scopedPDU!
pdu->reqid = 0x3eb
ErrorCode was -1415 in mpSnmpParse

And what is generated by snmpSet:
ErrorCode is 0
Parsing contextEngineID with length = 0x0
Parsing contextName with length = 0x0
mpGetFromCache: searching for msgID 0xe0003.
mpGetFromCache: msgID found at entry[0].
***Receiving a ReportPDU ***
mp finished (OK)
engine_id: (<data>), security_name: (<name>),
 security_model: (3), security_level (1)
 addtoengineidtable: (
 Addr (, port (1161)
receive_snmp_response requestID = 1003
receive_snmp_response (uxsnmp.cpp) return SUCCESS
received oid: with value: 4
SNMPv3: Invalid Message
Set Status = Success

This agent used to work just fine before I recompiled it with the new
libraries (it compiled without any problems).  What could be the problem?

Best Regards,

Lukasz Szczepankowski

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