Compile errors when building a Windows agent

D. R. Evans
Sat Sep 15 04:59:44 CEST 2001

Hash: SHA1

On 14 Sep 2001 at 22:33, Ram Krishnaswamy wrote:

>  I think I might have seen this problem. I think it has to do with headers
> such as iostream. Try to rearrange your header files within the source file
> you are experiencing this problem. 

Well, even if I comment out all the others and just include "agent++.h" I still 
see the errors.

I have tried rearranging the order of the include directories in VC++, but 
haven't been able to find a correct sequence that doesn't either give me this 
error or some other error (VC++ is terrible in that this can only be set 
globally, which means that if I have to put them in a particular order for one 
project, almost certainly it will break some other project!)

I agree that it looks like it is something to do with <iostream>. I remember 
seeing this same problem several years ago with a project I was involved with 
that used VC++ 4.0, but I haven't seen it since then, and I can't remember 
exactly what the solution was :-(

So if anyone has actually managed to build an agent with VC++ 6.0, I'd very much 
like to know what the order of your include directories was, since at least I 
could try the same order here to see if that solves the problem.

This sort of thing is so frustrating....


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D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ                      N7DR at

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