Compile errors when building a Windows agent

D. R. Evans
Sat Sep 15 05:32:47 CEST 2001

Hash: SHA1

On 14 Sep 2001 at 22:33, Ram Krishnaswamy wrote:

>  I think I might have seen this problem. I think it has to do with headers
> such as iostream. Try to rearrange your header files within the source file
> you are experiencing this problem. 

Hmmm... I'm beginning to suspect that it's caused by the fact that the 
agent++/snmp++ code seems to use the old, non-standard stream libraries.

I see files being included like ios.h, iostream.h, etc. On most Unices those now 
just point to the real <ios>, <iostream>, etc. files. But in Windows they really 
are different (as, in fact, they should be, since the semantics for the old AT&T 
stream libraries is somewhat different from the STL semantics).

So since I always use the proper STL library header files, I get a collision 
with the old library header files used by agent++/snmp++.

If I'm dead lucky (ha!) just changing all the file names in the agent++ and 
snmp++ code will fix everything. But that's not a task for the late evening 
(which is the time here). Maybe I'll get brave and try it over the weekend.

  Doc Evans

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D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ                      N7DR at

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   "All Or Nothing" is now available. 
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