Compile errors when building a Windows agent

D. R. Evans
Tue Sep 18 00:11:19 CEST 2001

Hash: SHA1

OK. I am now getting a handle on the problems.

The source seems to be two-fold:

1. agent++/snmp++ uses <iostream.h> instead of <iostream>. This is easily fixed, 
simply by replacing every instance of "<iostream.h>" with "<iostream>".

That fixed all my compilation errors, but then I started getting lots of link 
errors. It turns out that this is because of naming conflicts of header files 
against the crypto++ library.

2. The fix for this (I think that this is the fix; I haven't actually finished 
doing it yet, because it's rather tedious) is to put in an explicit path for all 
the header files. As currently designed, agent++/snmp++ seems to make some 
rather dangerous assumptions about the naming and path conventions for included 
files. With g++ one tends not to notice this, since one can easily control the 
order in which directories are searched for included files. In Windows, however, 
the order of searched directories is _global_ (meaning, it's the same for all 
projects), which means that conflicts can arise because of name collisions, and 
there is nothing one can do to resolve the conflicts -- one has to resolve the 
name collisions by explicitly expanding them to, for example, 

  Doc Evans
PS Thanks to Ram Krishnaswamy for giving me encouragement not to give up! Maybe 
Frank or Jochen will consider making some of these changes in a future version; 
it shouldn't affect *nix users, but it will make life much easier for people 
trying to build under Windows.

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D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ                      N7DR at

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