About MIB storage

choujs choujs____263.net
Fri Sep 28 11:34:35 CEST 2001


In current implementation, all MIB values are maintained by
Agent++ itself. But it is not a good idea, I think. Each 
module (such as IP protocol ) with a mib should "knows" the 
existence of MIB , and put data into its MIB whenever data 
value is change. For scarlar variable , I can implement the 
real "GET" operation via overrive the get_request() function,
and then transfer the request to the API function provided 
by corresponse module .But for tablur variable, it seem I
should overriver update() function. But I must add all table
rows into MIB at first. If the table is very huge (such as 
route table of a Cisco GSR), what an I do ?



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