SNMPv3 changes in snmp++

Jochen Katz
Mon Dec 23 14:19:45 CET 2002


if you're using SNMPv3 with snmp++ and update to snmp++ 3.2.3 and 
agent++ 3.5.8, you will have to make some changes to your sources, as a 
new class v3MP was introduced that replaces all mpXXX functions.

Instead of calling:

   mpInit(&snmp, engineId, snmpEngineBoots);
   USM *usm = mpGetUsm();

you will have to use:

   int construct_status;
   v3_MP = new v3MP(&snmp, engineId, snmpEngineBoots, construct_status);
   // construct_status should now be SNMPv3_MP_OK
   USM *usm = v3_MP->get_usm();

for agents you will have to add the following call:

   // register v3MP to RequestList


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