Agent Gen 2.0 problems
Tue Dec 24 04:22:33 CET 2002

Hi ,

I am facing following problems after upgrading from AgentGen Pro 1.8 to
2.0 :

1. Agent 1.x generator used to generate code for enumerated types by

It seems that Agent 2.x generator templates have following code 
snippet: (file h_code.vm)

if ($effectiveSyntax.hasEnums()) ....

But nowhere is effectiveSyntax defined , or usage explained.

Does anyone has idea about how to generate enums related code with
AgentGenPro 2.0 ?

2. In defining SNMP MIB, IP address default values are supposed
to be provided as :
DEFVAL { '00000000'H } which should correspond to ""
But, with code generated by Agent Pro , this actually corresponds
to "\x00\x00" , which IpAddress() class contructor fails to decode.

Possible way to fix this would be to enhance IpAddress() constructor
to understand hex values , or change the code generation output.


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