Updates: MIB Explorer v1.5.9, SNMP++v3.2.5c, AGENT++v3.5.10c, AgentX++v1.4.7,AGENT++Win32 1.0beta2

Frank Fock Frank.Fock____t-online.de
Thu Mar 6 21:57:23 CET 2003

A new version of MIB Explorer can be downloaded
from http://www.mibexplorer.com

Besides bug fixes, this release adds:

* Headless server support. Scripts and Monitors
   can now be executed from command line. This
   makes MIB Explorer usable for generating chart
   images for Web servers.
* PDF image export for (Monitor tool).
* Email password is now stored encrypted on disk.

Some customers have reported MIB Explorer crashing
when saving the MIB Explorer preferences while using
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.0-b92 mixed mode).

This seems to be a Java bug. The problem does not
occur with JRE 1.3.x and also disappears after an
upgrade to Java 1.4.1!

SNMP++v3.2.5c, AGENT++v3.5.10c, AgentX++v1.4.7,
and AGENT++Win32 v1.0beta2 are bug fix releases:

* The MS VC++ project files have been moved into
   a central ZIP file.
* AgentX++: Further optimization of distributed
   GETBULK request processing by the AgentX++ master.

for more details, please read the change logs of
the respective package.

Frank Fock

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