
Todd Wang
Fri May 9 03:24:47 CEST 2003

hi stefan,

i'm posting this to the agent++ mailing list as well, in case anyone
else is interested.

basically i wanted to use agent++ to implement a SNMP agent that would
take an incoming SNMP GET request, translate the request into an
operation on another C++ component, and take the results of that
operation and return it as the result of the SNMP GET request.  i wanted
to do this for both scalar values as well as table values.  note that
the C++ component (in my case) is wholly unrelated to SNMP, and in
particular, knows nothing of SNMP OIDs or their relevance in SNMP

for scalars my approach is to inherit directly from MibLeaf and override
clone() and get_request().  MibLeaf nicely takes care of forwarding
get_next_request() to get_request() (i'm new to agent++, but from the
looks of it and from some comments, it seems the need for
get_next_request() has been replaced by the framework directly handling
finding the next oid).  some sample code:

    class SampleScalar : public MibLeaf
        SampleScalar ();
        virtual ~SampleScalar ();

        // methods inherited from MibLeaf
        virtual MibEntry * clone () { return(new SampleScalar(*this)); }
        virtual void get_request (Request * p_request,
                                  int request_index)
            MibLeaf::get_request(p_request, request_index);

for tables the approach is to inherit from MibComplexEntry and override
clone(), is_empty(), find_succ(), get_request() and get_next_request().
is_empty() needs to return whether the table is empty.  find_succ()
needs to return the next logical oid.  get_request() needs to return the
actual value.  get_next_request() simply forwards to get_request().

    class SampleTable :
        public MibComplexEntry
        SampleTable ();
        virtual ~SampleTable ();

        // methods inherited from MibComplexEntry
        virtual MibEntry * clone () { return(new SampleTable(*this)); }
        virtual boolean is_empty () { /* fill this in */ }
        virtual Oidx find_succ (Oidx const & find_oid,
                                Request *)
            // find the next oid (that we're managing), given
            // find_oid as a starting point.  if we can't find one,
            // return Oidx() to signal that we don't know.

            /* fill this in */

        virtual void get_request (Request * p_request,
                                  int request_index)
            Oidx const request_oid(p_request->get_oid(request_index));

            // using request_oid, figure out exactly what piece of
            // we're looking for and go get it.  the oid is useful since
the index
            // of the table is usually significant in determining
exactly what
            // piece of information might be needed.
            unsigned int const value = GetValue(request_oid);

            // fill in info
            Vbx vb(request_oid);
            p_request->finish(request_index, vb);
        virtual void get_next_request (Request * p_request,
                                       int request_index)
            get_request(p_request, request_index);

hope this helps.  the code above is copied from my working version but
modified for brevity and simplicity.  in particular,
SampleTable::find_succ() and SampleTable::get_request() need to be
filled in with real code to do their job.  in short, take the code as a
reference only.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 1:30 PM
Subject: ComplexMibEntry

Hi there Todd,

>an alternative approach (that you mention in your docs) is
>to inherit from MibComplexEntry directly, providing a much more
>lightweight solution.  just wanted to report a MibComplexEntry-based
>success story (i'm inheriting from MibLeaf directly for scalars and
>MibComplexEntry for tables), to allow the SNMP requests to basically be
>translated into queries to another software component.

as I have been one of the blokes to struggle with the use of adapters to
integrate MIB tables with C++ structures, I am quite eager to hear your
success story. Will you be able to give more details?


Dr. Stefan Müller-Wilken
Resco GmbH
Millerntorplatz 1
20359 Hamburg
Tel.: 040-82 22 59 - 0
Fax: 040-82 22 59 - 100
stefan.mueller-wilken at

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