parse error before `{'

Adolfo Lucha
Tue May 13 10:37:58 CEST 2003


I tried to update from agant++ v3_5_4 to agent++ v3_5_12a and from snmp++ v3_2 to snmp++ v3_2_7a.

After update and view addaption to my build environment (building for a power-pc target with eCos OS), compilation of the code generated by AgentPro causes the following error (and more...):

SnmpMng.h:69: parse error before `{'

The error line is:

class SnmpMng : public OMThread, public OMReactive, public PpMbSessionClient, public MibEntry {

(do not worry about to much inheritances :-)) I saw that the definition of MibEntry is different as in the previous version. In the previous version is was declared as:

class MibEntry: public ThreadManager {

while in the new Version it is declared as:

	AGENTPP_DECL_TEMPL template class AGENTPP_DECL List<MibEntry>;

class AGENTPP_DECL MibEntry: public ThreadManager {

What am I missing? Any hints will be appreciated!


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