Antw: Re: multiple definition of `List<MibEntry>::List(void)'

Adolfo Lucha
Thu May 15 08:42:19 CEST 2003

Hi Frank,

my definitions are:

#define _NO_SNMPv3
#define _NO_THREADS

Are there some combination of definition which are not allowed?

It seams also to be related to inline constructions and/or namespaces. Both was not working for me. I switched the usage of namespace off, than i was able to compile, but not to link, because of the multiple definition. Then I modified the inline definition: compilation ok, but linkage errors baceuse of the unreferenced symbols.

I was not able to compile and link the new version in a reasonable time, so i switched back to the previous one. It is working fine now, after I found some problems with the stacksize of my tasks. After increasing it, it is working fine.

I posponed the integration of the version agent_pp_v3_5_12a to a later time, because I am in time pressure. But anyway I will try it and let you know.

Thnaks and Regards

>>> Frank Fock <> 14.05.03 21.02 >>>
Hello Adolfo,

May be this problem is caused by an incorrect
#ifdef ... #end construct or something similar?
What compiler settings (_SNMPv3, _THREADS, etc.)
are you using with which compiler and platform?


Adolfo Lucha wrote:
> Hello Frank,
> here is an other problem. I think it is related to name spacing. First I got the "parse error before `{'" problem. Than I disabled usage of name spacing by undefining the AGENTPP_NAMESPACE macro. After that compilation is ok. But linkage is giving me a lot (ca 4,5MB output) of the following error:
> ...
> multiple definition of `List<MibEntry>::List(void)'
> ...
> All of the methodes of the "List<MibEntry>::*" class will generate mentioned error. I do not found a solution for it. Therefore I am not able to build my project.
> Please let me know if you have any Ideas about what to do.
> Thanks
> Adolfo

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