Traps sending from the Sub AgentX
Sun May 18 13:26:39 CEST 2003

Hi Frank,

I have a problem receiving v1 traps generated by notify method of SubAgentX
I use Patrol (BMC Software) as trap deamon and it seems that trap generated
by notify method are not received by Patrol.
Although traps generated by the Master AgentX with NotificationOriginator
and using SNMP trap method are received without problems.

Is there any difference between traps created by notify method and those
created by NotificationOriginator of snmp trap method ?

If I try to send exactly identic trap with snmp trap method, Patrol receives

My next question is about trap destinations.
When I use SubAgentX mib's notify method to send a trap, where the Master
Agent picks the destination addresses ? Considering the fact that I have
not set any rows in snmp_notification_mib.

Thank you,

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