Jochen Katz
Mon May 19 21:12:42 CEST 2003


> I have received the INFORM. I have (by out-of-band mechanism) the engine 
> ID, the boot counter and the engineTime for the client, so there's no need 
> for any discovery -- I already have been handed the correct values; I just 
> don't know how to tell snmp++ about them. 

you cannot set the engineBoots and engineTime values. This is done 
automatically by snmp++, as this is part of the SNMPv3 standard.

> I build the PDU for the set, but then how am I supposed to send the SET to 
> the correct place?
> The example uses the following call:
>   snmpp->set(setpdu, utarget);

This is the method to call.

The USM has two operation modes:
- with enabled discovery (default) it accepts any new engine ids when 
sending and receiving messages.

- with disabled discovery (USM::unset_discovery_mode()) you must add the 
engine ids of entities you want to contact with 
v3MP::add_to_engine_id_table() once.


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